Grab some good knee wraps SBD, Titan's or something of good quality. There are some good tutorials on U-tube on how to wrap properly. You need some good steady pressure on that patella tendon to calm it down.
Hit 270 on a hammer strength I cline x6 last night,rest tonight then I'm gettin my 300 tmrw night,up 45 lean lbs but bench still sucks.Keep at it guys...Your making great gains!
45 lean pounds is impressive... That stuff is magic
squats again *Sigh*:rofl:
275x5sx1r double paused. Puase in the hole and in the sticking point
straight leg deads
leg press
Bottom end is getting smoked:baby: one more day then 2 off:thumb:
It's helps but it's no magic.diet change was my biggest gainer but without the sauce I'd still be a scrawny little f#cker.I still have a long way to go on chest and arms but my lats,back and sholders have exploded nicely.still can't lift half the weight u do but I'm catching up
Good work Chris:thumb: How much muscle was that 6 pounds?
Glad I found this thread, do you guys create your own plans or follow online ones? I have been doing Candito's 6 week plan but would like some variety if I can still see decent gains.