Since there is so much turbo talk going on (confusing too) I have a questionz.
What the necks the point of spending the big bucks on compounds to run 10's? If they can be ran with a 75 mm charger(ie. Gt4202) alone ? Usually if that's what your shooting for with twins , the 75 becomes the small charger and you have to add an even bigger turbo just to run what the 75 could run alone. Or is the point of compounding just to reduce spool up?
What the necks the point of spending the big bucks on compounds to run 10's? If they can be ran with a 75 mm charger(ie. Gt4202) alone ? Usually if that's what your shooting for with twins , the 75 becomes the small charger and you have to add an even bigger turbo just to run what the 75 could run alone. Or is the point of compounding just to reduce spool up?