TS Outlaw Drags called off! (From CompD)


That Uncle
Apr 2, 2007
Yes, Josh. This was my first national event.:rolleyes:

The point is...we've ALL been saying for a LONG time that the BS has to stop or it would screw it up for everyone....nobody listened and now it's happened.

I'm glad it was entertaining for you...but if you were one of the ones at the fence egging them on...YOU are part of the problem too.

I didn't know there was a fence where everyone was looking on from, were you on the fence looking on as well? For the record, Sorry I was not there


New member
Sep 9, 2008
once again a thread has become a pointing match. you shouldve.. no you shouldve. the bottom line is a lot of people traveled a long ways just to have some punk kids ruin it for everyone. and for the people that said " oh well they should have still had the event" would you want to run down a track covered in mud? or better yet if you were the owner of the track would you want the liabilty risk of people racing on a track covered in mud. thats ignorant to think "oh they should still have raced". think before you speak.


Feb 18, 2008
des moines, IA
how do we know how old they where. i'm not saying that it wasnt kids but i have seen some people that are older that are just as stupi if not more so than young kids.


New member
Mar 30, 2008
what did you do abous siad situation? turnign a a blind eye and not doing anything is just as bad egging them on.

At Scheids last August I was trying to help Dan Scheid and his crew get the idiots to stop being idiots. We made multiple announcements all day long and tried to deter it as much as possible. The local police were there doing what they could.

If you were referring to this wekend...I was NOT at the track or the campground when this stuff happened.
We were at the large pre-party at Wahbah's hosted and sponsored by competitiondiesel.com and powerstrokenation.com.

We not only offered a FREE place for everyone to congregate for the night but we gave away thousands in prizes and I don't know how many free passes for the weekend events. I also made myself available to several people for rides to their hotels or camps...including a few teens that didn't have a ride.

We also made announcements at the open house as well as Wahbah's all but begging people to not screw up the event.

NO one person can police a whole event worth of people...but we did everything we could up to and including providing a party with secure parking for those that drank too much and had many threads up with phone numbers for designated divers.

If you can think of something else constructive that we can do to stop these idiots then myself and many others are all ears.
If you want to imply that we turn a blind eye and do nothing....then you obviously know NOTHING about what we tried to do this weekend.
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Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
Anybody have the sled pulling results? Ive read around on all the forums and cant seem to find any of them?


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
I've read some pretty strange stuff:

"It was young punks" - Uh, most racers are young, so I imagine the average age of a diesel event is perhap late twenties. Age is what it is, and can't be blamed.

"It's the track owner's fault" - The Beech Bend Dragstrip and amusement park area is a very nice facility. It is normal for them to allow out of town dragracers to camp out there. Normally they act like serious racers.

"TS Performance holds zero responsibility in this" - I can just imagine what would be said today if it were Edge, ATS, Banks, BD, etc, who promoted this event. Here, let's use Clint from ATS: 'I really feel bad for poor Clint. He's one of the nicest people in the whole world. He is truly the victim here, and is above any criticism.' Yeah, right. Security costs money. Turning back people when the campground is full costs money. Trash cans and portapotties cost money. Let's get honest. Everybody knows that is was expected to be a drinking party as much as a competition event. That means tight security, especially in light of other events in that region that got out of hand. Skimping on security wasn't a wise financial move.

"This happens at ALL events" - Horseshit. It's actually rare for the racers to destroy property intentionally. This isn't an end of diesel racing, it's just another wake up call. Next wakeup call might be when someone kills someone's kid by showing off in a 7,000lb 4x4.


The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
Camping at TS

I was there and missed all the action!!! I was parked in the middle of the campgrounds and missed it. I drunk for the first time in 15 years. I didn' t tear up anything. I'm not sure why people do stupid things when drunk, but some do. I did see the fields get torn up around the dyno:eek:. I really think the track owner(Dallas) made a bad move not putting everyone on the blacktop with all the rain. I talked to a track offical and he said they were affraid everyone would tear up the black. It was a mess for sure. Anyone want to clean up a :Dmotorhome? We did manage to take the kids to the park to ride rides on friday before the rain so they had fun. Jeff


Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
Calling the police immediately is IMO considered as good as policing your brother. Our local tracks have a zero tolerance for alcohol on the premises and AFAIK, they have had few to no problems with shenanigans after hours. They don't even sell beer there.

x2 if they dont listen get a bigger megaphone..(police)

BTW burn outs on the street are misdimeanore in most state

burn outs on private property is a feloney


comlpete diphsit
Aug 17, 2006
under my truck
Let's get honest. Everybody knows that is was expected to be a drinking party as much as a competition event.

Bingo. And therein lies the rub.

After thinking about it all day, it seems to me that the organizers were not prepared adequately for how big the event got. The bigger it gets, the more crowd control is needed, and they were obviously overwhelmed. Liberal alohol policy + encouragement = problems X2. So no matter how hard anyone worked on it, it got out of reach real quick, unintentionally creating a monster.

Big lessons here for everyone.

Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
Burnouts anywhere other than the waterbox or a burnout competition are stupid period

Burnouts in Cal. is serious shit. Impound truck and nasty fines along with insurance issues for at least 7 years.
I believe this damage was done by somone who must have hated Dennis. There has to be someone who knows who did it and he and his cohorts need to be strung up. I believe the perpetrators are already known and it's being kept secret. This isn't going to be good.


Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
Burnouts in Cal. is serious shit. Impound truck and nasty fines along with insurance issues for at least 7 years.
I believe this damage was done by somone who must have hated Dennis. There has to be someone who knows who did it and he and his cohorts need to be strung up. I believe the perpetrators are already known and it's being kept secret. This isn't going to be good.

Well there were 2 trucks stuck in the mud the day after supposedly and everyone keeps singling out a brown 24 valve from Ohio, as the main perp. We all know it was alot more that jsut 3 trucks but those caught hopefully get blacklisted and examples made of them.


Kicked to the Curb
Sep 2, 2006
Bradenton, Florida
Bingo. And therein lies the rub.

After thinking about it all day, it seems to me that the organizers were not prepared adequately for how big the event got. The bigger it gets, the more crowd control is needed, and they were obviously overwhelmed. Liberal alohol policy + encouragement = problems X2. So no matter how hard anyone worked on it, it got out of reach real quick, unintentionally creating a monster.

Big lessons here for everyone.
Exactly & I just pm'd somebody about Smokin asking if they are watching this? Some good may come out of this with future events


Kicked to the Curb
Sep 2, 2006
Bradenton, Florida
Well there were 2 trucks stuck in the mud the day after supposedly and everyone keeps singling out a brown 24 valve from Ohio, as the main perp. We all know it was alot more that jsut 3 trucks but those caught hopefully get blacklisted and examples made of them.

I'm leary about pointing fingers. Maybe the trucks that's were stuck couldn't get back to there campers because of the idiots. Somebody knows something though


Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
So anyone have links to where these discussions are going on? I want to read more.

What an unfortunate series of events :(

go to compD and hit today's posts, its prolly close to every other post is about a-holes at TS
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