Killing the event because someone did donuts didn't make sense. Killing it because the track is F%$# up does.
killing the event because someone did donuts didn't make sense. Killing it because the track is f%$# up does.
i have friends there right now and from what they said/heard that is the case . Track is too dirty to run on .
Where they going to sled pull tonight? If not if the track will let them they should run tonight. It's a quick track
not shure ? my freinds matt and jason ( maxpowerlb7&calabrie662) are out for the DPC challenge . and dimitri is oiut to compete ( dragstip ) for ts not shure what they got planned . but ya 500ft above see level us guys out west will never get anywere near that good of air .
trent come out to NC, try 15Ft above sea level haha
almost had a set of twins like yours but i was to late.....
Yeah, I am pissed that I'm making a 1700 mile RT to have it bashed by some tards tearing up the campsite and ruining the track surface for today. Not only has Beach Bend cancelled, the Steak House doesn't want us back because of the Tards drag racing in the back lot and road in front. Two of the hotels have also said they do not want any diesel crowd next year and more may follow. Pulls are still on. It amazes me how these young (18- ~25 ish looking) idiots have ruined this for everyone. I'm sure the kids out tearing up the streets, the parking lots, the camp sites, and recking the track surface are not even racers - just punk kid wantabes.
I definitely feel bad for all the efforts by TS that have gone to waste. Given the actions here this year, I'd be suprized if BG would welcome us back next year.
Sincere thanks to all the young punk JackA$$es for ruining it for all!!!
Oh, and BTW, I hear that there are pictures of a number of trucks involved in last nights episodes. I will also spend the day taking pictures of any tard I see on the streets or hotels tearing it up to post online.
That's total BS. Why would someone do that?