What does a little extra weigh have to do with it? If your axle is not wrapping there should not be anymore load on the clatracs.
If that's the case then yours must be a man-whore?The truck is a photo whore... :hug:
If that's the case then yours must be a man-whore?
I have ran them with the pin barly touching the top of the leaf pack and also with slight preload to them for DD. Either way any kind of bump I hit there slamming up and down on the leaf pack which makes for both a rough and loud ride... Maybe I am doing something wrong when it comes to adjusting them and need to be learned :roflmao:
Whatever turns your crank. They've always worked fine for me. With any kind of power you damn well need something. Without 'em the axle gets to bouncing real bad under acceleration. The Calracs were off for a couple weeks and I lost a U-joint during one little stoplight contest. It wasn't very funny.
I hate my Caltracs for DD. About the same as Troy said
There we go! I am not the only 1 in the boat! :hug: lol
I actually just bought a set of Cognito bars to run on the street and if I go to the track I will throw the Caltracs on. I can't stand having a new truck the sounds like an old junker driving down the road.
How exactly are you going to switch?
if it was me I would just remove the front caltrac bolt out of bracket and un screw the back of the bar from the rod end, screw on the long bar and fasten it to an alternate location on the frame, basically using the rear mount for the cal trac with the front mount for the bar