So my wife drives up to Walmart and calls me. Hey the low oil pressure light came on at idle. I'm thinking o Shit. It's dumping fuel into the oil causing low oil pressure. Then she calls me 5 minutes later. There's a bunch of steam coming from the hood. So I head up there. The shitty damn design plastic heater core connection snapped off. So I'm thinking it broke 10 miles ago and she got the motor so hot it heated the oil to cause the low oil pressure light. How she didn't notice 5 gallons of coolant spraying out. But yeah. So I bypass the heater core and add 4.5 gallons. And with the hood up for 45 minutes prior to me getting there I still couldn't lean on the cowling. Everything was hot. So far still good. Towed the trailer back for 2 hours. No water in the oil. Runs great. These must be though engines. I'm really thinking it ran for 10 minutes without coolant. Thank god im a believer in the t6 oil.