Brian is a man now(I think)! He can make his own decisions! If he wants to be gay and not race that's his problem! James is also a man! If he want to be a lil girl about running overies to the wall..... Let him
bs, there is a set of rods in your gayrage ready to go in the motor.
Brian is a man now(I think)! He can make his own decisions! If he wants to be gay and not race that's his problem! James is also a man! If he want to be a lil girl about running overies to the wall..... Let him
Brian is a man now(I think)! He can make his own decisions! If he wants to be gay and not race that's his problem! James is also a man! If he want to be a lil girl about running overies to the wall..... Let him
no one was supposed to know that :rofl:
SOOOO What did it go James
Hopefully those TB traction bars don't bend or break "buddy boy" :roflmao: Is that your flamish way to respond to people since the old gay way used to be 10-4 good buddy:roflmao: Im guessing you changed it to buddy boy:spit:
Your limit straps look better than my redneck crap! seems like my best 60s were with 24ish PSI in the front and 29ish in the back if you want a starting point