Dude, if the engine is the heart of your truck...the trans is like the brain, or some other really important major organ like a liver maybe...whatever you want to relate it to you don't want to take a chance with the parts going into it and the guys working on it...I see diesel addiction is in Wilmington... which is the opposite side of the state for me. Who is closer? Or is there anyone? Eastern Tennessee and northwestern sc is closer than Wilmington.
would you get a liver transplant in Mexico if it were closer, more convenient or cheaper???
I know a few guys that travel great distance to have their Allison transmissions built, I also travel quite a ways to get good work done, like 580mi and about 8hrs one way...
Stop believing the bull shit from vendors that have no idea what works. They are in it for the money.
You better rethink your kit and your builder. Laying an unfamiliar kit on a shop with little experience is a mistake.
Most kits, no matter who's they are will require modifications to get the right clearance. NOTHING fits right all the time because of different grooves in the Allison. When this occurs; your shop will just let it go.
Remember this; you are buying a clutch upgrade and nothing else. If something else is weak or wrong it will be this way when the job is done.