Spent a few hours last week playing with these new style speed sensors, after
@Cougar281 tested one of the VR converter with his T87 in the truck. While the T87 will accept a powered Arduino Uno pulse signal, it's pull down resistor on the sensor line doesn't work with these 5v VR converters. We have tested 2 boards based on the Maxx chip design.
With a new style sensor connected to T87, the line voltage reads 3v, being powered off the factory 9V supply from the TCM. However, if you read the output pin on the actual sensor when not connected to the TCM, it reads 8 volts. So there is some strange line levels in play.
My question is, what does everyone think about think about putting a mosfet on the speed sensor lines, fed by 9v Ref, and triggered by our 5v VR converter?
Here is line in, out, and resistance value of these new sensors.
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