So I completed my 'half octopus'
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With the E35A, E35B and E39A, the T87 is still complaining about a loss of comms with ECM/PCM A, despite both the ECM and TCM being on the same bus and able to be communicated with...
Something I find... interesting... Both the T87 and T87A have DTCs for loss of comms with ECM/PCM A, but the E35A and E35B only throw a loss of comms code with the T87A (which is a 8sp gasser cal). With the T87 running the Allison calibration, neither the E35A nor the E35B throw a loss of comms with TCM code... My basic guess is the E35A and E35B are looking for 'X' and they're getting it from the T87, but the T87 and T87A are looking for 'Y+somthing', where the E35's are just sending 'Y' (or they might be sending 'T' lol)... I wonder if a T87A running an Allison cal would behave the same as the T87 with the Allison Cal...
Glad to hear you now own some Octopus too. They have been appearing on my desk every time I turn on the lights for the past month now.. Must be mating season...
Spent all of last night working on the speed sensor converter problem. My first off the shelf solution, yielded less than stellar results. Plus, what I thought was some 5v Ref lines on the TCM, looks to just be 5v pull up resistors on unused signal pins. Same thing with the Low Ref lines I found...
So I built another new octopus with external 5v power supply, and while it outputs 5v on the 2 signal pins, can't get the TCM to accept the patterns. Tracks perfectly with Uno Crank/Cam Emulator board sending a 5v pattern however. And while it shows valid speeds in our raw GMLAN data, neither speed sensor PID shows an Rpm signal in EFI OBDII data no matter what I feed the TCM with... This OS is crap compared to the T87 gasser version.. Need the SnapOn scope again to sort this one. Maybe I fried a chip, or that design is wrong for our task. Either way, that octopus getting tossed on the grill tonight..
Now that you are all caught up on the ECM mating, seems you are seeing the correct responses. Another thing I have noticed, the T87 only shows a No PCM, No BCM, and No ABS DTC's with key on power. Unlike the gasser OS which lit up all the missing transmission hardware DTC's at Key-On, this Allison version only seems to run a full diagnostics spread once ya feed it some some actual Rpm signal.
After getting the E38 running happy with the T87 gasser OS above, I decided to put that ECM and converter setup back on the bench to start out this Allison OS with. And that soon showed me the Required Message Set the Allison T87 OS needs to clear that No PCM code, is not the same set as the T87 gassers. Leading to the main reason I'm trying to track down an E86B 2015-16 Duramax truck.
Would speed things up if can capture it running happy once. That will determine what CANbus messages this TCM OS actually requires. LML's are the only trucks I don't have live captured data for on my PC. And I tried feeding it some L5P data, remained pissed off. So our msg set on the 15-16LML seems to be specific to this ECM/TCM combination. And that explains why they had to either modify TCM code, or inject the correct messages to make the T87A backwards compatible to a 2011-2015 LML.
Now we know. And was why I said liked the gasser option better. Guess tonight I'll start hacking out why it remains unhappy with this 87 Allison version, before my desk starts smelling like spoiled fish..