if you just done it last year,it should of lasted a longer that this. . .
Thanks Ben, I lacked the proper vocabulary after several beers into last night.
That makes sense. I thought you meant "fire ringing" with a steel crush ring. Never seen that done on a duramax.
That's what I thought but the ethanol infused lack of comprehension/vocabulary was handicapping me.
Thanks for the added info Wes, does sound like another issue at this point other than HG's. Got my fingers crossed $180 water pump is all u need.
some have good luck others dont . I have tried mig and tig and welding all the way around on both impeller and gear neither worked for me . as i said before first failure was impeller just a tack mig on both sides . second was tigged after taking out extra material on both sides near the shaft and tigging it ( lasted less then 200 miles) . there is a thread with more info on it here . both sweetdiesel and othergrl posted some good info on water pump failures . iirc Trent drillls the pump before he welds it and that has worked for him .
Yea I've read several threads about welding the shafts. I asume when you say "trent drills the pump" you mean he drills a cross hole in it and then puts in a roll pin or something is that whay you mean?
No , I think what he did was drill a good size hole and then welded it . even if the weld breaks around the shaft it sill works to keep everything together like a pin