There is definitely a point to all of it!
It's like a couple of weeks ago at a job I was working in Iowa. My foreman decided he was going to give me a "clean" lay off. In my trade, union ironwork, a clean lay off is the project is near the end and there is a lack of keeping every single guy on the job. Generally, the guys who suck off the foremen stay til the end. It's expected though and everybody understands, it's construction. However, this particular scenario wasn't so understandable. My foreman, who was young and a traveling company hand decided he was going to give me the reasons for laying me off, which were totally bogus. When it's a clean lay off, a good foreman says only one thing: "thanks for the good hard work, it's time for a lay off so we'll see you on the next one." So I decided to retaliate in front of the whole crew, including the general foreman. Needless to say :spit: it backfired on him big time.
The moral of the story: if somebody (big boy trying to stick it to the small guy) is getting out of line with the situation, they should either 'fess up to the truth and make it ALL right (which is what good men do), or take the pill and suffer the consequences.
I still wonder if Dan read my PM concerning my lift pump.