Maybe the leak is just causing a pressure problem with the converter?
No , with it pushing thru the brakes it sounds as if your not bleeding off pressure from the converter causing it to still be engaged when you come
To a stop. When you pull it out , check your boost valve is not
Stuck , in the stator .
Built motor , duel fuelers , 60's overs , gtx4202r
The coverter flow valve seems free. It may be a little lazy to spring back, Normal? ..Or maybe I have a different problem.
Not normal. Where did you buy your parts from? Why isn't your vendor helping you?
Are you sure you have all the bolts in the correct location inside the bell housing ?
Built motor , duel fuelers , 60's overs , gtx4202r
The sudden stop could have been from when installing the converter you spilt some tranny fluid and it just finally stopped running, mine did that for awhile.