I have been dealing with, what I THINK is a power steering leak of some sort lately. After I park my truck, I notice a small spot on the ground towards the back of my drivers side front wheel well. I just cant seem to pinpoint where the leak is coming from. I have replaced the power steering lines about a year and half ago, but I suspect its coming from the bottom of the hydroboost or brake booster (whatever you call it)
If I put my hand underneath, I always get fluid on me. I attached a pic of where Im referring to. Im just not sure if this is the only source of the leak.
So do people generally recommend just buying a rebuild kit or something or just dropping a few hundred dollars and buying a remanufactured part?
If I put my hand underneath, I always get fluid on me. I attached a pic of where Im referring to. Im just not sure if this is the only source of the leak.
So do people generally recommend just buying a rebuild kit or something or just dropping a few hundred dollars and buying a remanufactured part?