You sound like a typical union employee.
Hey Now! Easy on the Unions there Skid Plate!
You sound like a typical union employee.
Hey Now! Easy on the Unions there Skid Plate!
Here's a better analogy than Walmart.
You decide to build a drag truck. You don't have a truck, or the know-how to build it, but you DO have a garage to build it in. So you get a bunch of your friends together, and they all chip in for free to build it. In fact, they do over 95% of the work. When it's done, you sell it without even asking any of the helpers if they would be interested in buying it.
Then to add injury to insult, the new owners plaster Tampon and Toyota stickers all over it, and even convince some of the helpers to keep working for free on it, even though it will never race again, it's now just a billboard.
Would the helpers have just cause to be pissed? Damn right.
Pretty sure Mike was just pushing his buttons.
100 grit or 50 grit?How is that different than any business in the world? Would Walmart be in business today without their employees? Of coarse not! Do the employees have a say who, when, where, why the owners sold? Again, of coarse not.
It was Nicks business period. He didn't like the forum that was available at the time, so he went out and started his own. Everybody has the opportunity to quit what their doing and start their own. Kind of like what you guys did here, so why bitch about it?
Real DRUNK beer drinkers when they have nothing else to drink maybe.He probably meant "of Coors not", which is a chant used by "real" beer drinkers.
So how does a guy get unbaned.
I don't know how long DF is gonna put up with my van whoring
IMO it should have gone public that the site needed to be sold do to personal reasons and then sold TO US .
Bad visual...Don't piss off Mr. Inglewood :cop:
I'm sure you meant Duramax site. There are some huge Powerstroke sites out there.. . . turn a little no name site into the largest diesel site on the net.
But right now, DieselStop (Ford) has about 75% more people on line.