I replaced my aux oil cooler lines and transmission cooler lines last night. Towed particularly heavy a while back, and the truck started leaving drops on the driveway. I had put on some generic braided -8 AN lines from Summit Racing when I built the motor. They did fine for years, but after that last tow, they were done for. The hot lines (both oil and trans) had started to melt, and the hose was expanding out through the braiding.
I took the opportunity to switch from -8 to -10 size, so new fittings in the sandwich adapter, trans, and coolers. The sandwich adapter & coolers were all sized for -10 to begin with, so I am not sure why I put -8 line on back in the day. Never caused any restriction that I could tell, but I can't think of a reason not to go -10 now. Had the local Parker shop make me some high-temp hydraulic lines. Not cheap, but man they are nice. Hopefully that will be the end of the leaking for a long time.