^^for sure but that’s an addition 6-700 bucks that will have to wait for now.
Bypassed the stupid little circuit boards and she lights the sticks up like a christmas tree.... literally. About half way through a stick it will light the flux on fire
. I had to let them cool a bit 1/4 way through. 3/32 is just way too small for the amps coming through. You can’t feed it fast enough but it works great for short bursts on 1/8” to 1/8”.
I burned through 6 sticks before the batteries died. They were only charged to 75% as well. I’m going to stop by the welding shop tomorrow and grab some 5/32. I feel that’s going to be the sweet spot.
I tried both 24v and 36v. 24v just ain’t enough. It can get the arc semi going but just won’t feed.
Needless to say, batteries never got hot (you could feel they warmed up some but nothing you’d ever worry about), wiring never got hot, and nothing burst into flames. Good start to this adventure
Be forewarned, these welds are extremely shitty. I don’t arc weld and I was damn near jamming rod down into the steel just to feed fast enough due to using 3/32. They look like hell but that shit would get you off a trail under your own power. I prefer to see if we can get them up to a little better standard though
I’ll get a video up tomorrow.