is not compound and sequential the same thing.
Parallel is what you are thinking of I think...
Can we get a pic of the other side of the "BANKS SEQUENTIAL SUPER-TURBO DIESEL"
no compound and sqeuential are two completely diferent setups except one thing.. they are both setup ro flow a shit tune of air over a wide rpm band
the both use a small charger to light the big charger...
compound runs them in series has only 1 air inlet.. this see high air flow and high boost numbers
squential is parrellel but function in series. has 2 air inlets. this see low boost numbers and high air flow numbers... squential is setup as a "parrellel" but are two different sized turbos one big and one small.
toyata/porchese use the sequential setup on their high reving engines for driveablilty...
as for picture... its not clear out is is acutally setup.
wolf.. it would make sense for the SC to be running lowed... and turbo for the top end... question is how are they blending the two.