They are BigDipper tips , but if it is an injector issue , the bodies will be bad not tips so ........
i know that i was just wondering if they were balanced injectors. Do you have a spare set to try in case?
They are BigDipper tips , but if it is an injector issue , the bodies will be bad not tips so ........
i know that i was just wondering if they were balanced injectors. Do you have a spare set to try in case?
Nah , just the tips were done ,i can get a few injectors if need be , at this point i can swap out boddies in one night , just need to verify so i dont waste a full night and have it not fix it . And as far as Henry's idea of the rail pressure sensor being bad ,no i dont think so , boost only hits 30 psi so its def short fuel , still hauls ass though I bet it would go mid 11's even broken with no fuel :rofl:
May as well pull the injectors and have them fully tested, Trent.
How long til Phoenix?
Someone please send this guy a set of 100 overs pronto!!!!:d
I'm sure your good for it.
Maybe run down to your local oil sample place and get a sample done. It will tell you if you have fuel in the oil. Some of the Flying J's have the self serve machines at them you can use.
If it runs sweet up to WOT, I'm not thinking injector issues.
It could be a boost leak. maybe a waste gate is stuck open...
Crazy things can happen with those thisngs, my buddy blew up his civic just over a year ago because of a spring. Supposed to be a 10lbs spring, but tested it and it didn't open till about a 100lbs
Just another suggestion
Not that you are retarded as I am, but I had fed the return from CP3 #1 into the inlet of CP3 #2 and had similiar results. Check that.
Put the return lines from each CP3 into identical containers and start it up. They should return close to the same amount of fuel at idle.
Obviously your tank is full, and it's not starving or foaming during acceleration, right?
If it runs sweet up to WOT, I'm not thinking injector issues.
Make sure you have the right CP3 controller. There are different units for different years.
I don't see a correlation between a boost leak and a loss of 6,000psi ? I have had several boost leaks and they NEVER effected rail psi.
My bet is, he finds a leak on the drivers side. I hope it is so I can fix this thing, and whoop some butt.
Good luck
I hope for the same , i never thought i would be wishing to find a leak so badly , I usually hope for the opposite :rofl: heading out there in a bit to tear it down and find out :thumb: