More PPE B.S.

D-MAX Mafia

Hood down, smoke up!
Nov 4, 2009
My dad and myself have done a lot of business with PPE. Dan has always been there to answer my questions and give his input to any problems I have had.

I remember a certain black truck that smoked a trans (PPE Stage 5) in less than 1000 miles due to owner ignorance. PPE pulled the trans, fixed it and only required the owner to buy new clutches.

Seems like pretty shitty customer service to me... Right?!

But way back before that in 2001 I remember installing a Duramaximizer on a brand new 01 Dmax. They were the only company that had anything out for the Duramax that was available to the public. Being 16 and never working on a Dmax before, I some how installed the part correctly and the truck ran perfect.

Must have been the shotty instructions and the piss poor product?!

Do I agree with the hear say that they stole RDL's manifolds... No! But I do believe that they are a company that caters to the Dmax enthusiast, be it Joe Blow Nobody or a top contender!

If you have a problem with a product that PPE sells and you actually want help (not just bitch about it), Dan will always be there to help. He helps me all the time and I am a nobody in the diesel community.

Gather what you want about them but I will continue to push their products and recommend them to others.

On the DroidX


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Clarkrange, TN
I have bought a lot of parts from ppe, and lots of other companys. I have been very disapointed a lot of times at how slow some people are. When i spent thousands of dollars on my truck and have to wait forever on parts it is not fun. I have never had any trouble talking to Dan or anyone at PPE. They have always takin care of things. In my buisiness ( building pallets) if a costumer call wanting a load tomorrow you have two choices, build them and have them there or someone else will. In the diesel world it's must not like that. Must be a good business to get in. As for Dan, he has been great to me.


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.

Sorry you are having issue's. Please give me a call when you have a minute. I have them in stock and ready!



<-- just sits
Jan 27, 2009
Got an email back today, $10 for a part that basically broke itself? I'm good. Thanks though. I'd rather buy it for $20 from someone else because if i got one from PPE and it breaks again I wouldn't be able to get another one without posting a thread about it.


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.

This thread has nothing to do with the email you received from Sales@ppediesel this morning. We researched your emails and only received the ONE you sent on Friday night at 5:58 (we close at 6), That is why we responded early this morning (closed on the weekends). What email address did you send the first one too? If it was [email protected] it was not received by our email server.

I can understand your frustration from having to wait 2.5 months for one of your T-shirts but we switched vendors and unfortunately that is what it took (Sorry for the delay).

When was this support kit purchased (was this purchased with the name Mark)? was this the first install or a reinstall?


<-- just sits
Jan 27, 2009
Dan, that is not the only email you've recieved from me, just the most recent. The kit itself was purchased almost a year ago this Christmas if it matters. As far as the shirts, the 2 1/2 month delay wasn't the only problem, when they did get here they were wrong, we had to send multiple pictures of our order we recieved to prove it was wrong and even still the correct shirts were never sent, but I'm over that situation. Either way I have the nut situation handled already. Thanks anyway. -Garrett


Diesel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2006
So Cal.

Ok I understand, I was not not aware of the wrong shirts being sent, Again sorry for the trouble.

If you need anything at all please contact me directly. Thanks