Membership For DP


Ghost in the Machine
Aug 1, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
They have a DP app for smart phones now...$2.99

I didn't look but if DP is owned by AutoForums the app is TapaTalk. I read in TapaTalks newsletter that they had worked with AutoForums to develop it. So it you already have TapaTalk you are probably good to go. I don't think they would have added any real functionality to a separate app just for them.


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
OMG guys get over it already. Its going to be the same as it was before, only now you have the option to get rid of the ads if you pay. Diesel Place is HUGE. It costs big money to run. They are in the business TO MAKE MONEY. They get this money via advertising or paid memberships. I assume most of you people work for a living or, own your own business. Do you pay for advertising? Do you advertise your business? Do you give shit away for free and say "oh thats ok, we're all a big family so it doesnt matter"?? No I didnt think so.

I bet none of you people complain about your 100 dollar/month cable bill, and YOU STILL GET BLASTED WITH ADS. If you pay the 25 dollars a year on DP you get rid of the ads and you get a big PM box. And dont any of you guys whine about 25 bucks. I know you've all got that in spare change under your couch at this very moment.

stop contorting it and making it out as if "OH THEY ARE FORCING IT ON ME, WTF THATS NOT COOL, STUPID DP BEING STUPID DP AGAIN TEEE HEEEE HEE lets go over on mcrats forum and giggle about it!!!"

If one more person starts an immature high-school-girl DP bashing thread, im going to lose it I think, seriously. It was funny like 4 years ago when this forum started...right now its just old. :joker: ;)

rant off. :rolleyes:

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<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Stew (Administrator) isn't a douche bag or anything right?...

Quote from Stew...
Just to make a point... "They" or should I say me, Didnt give two shits whether there was a membership program or not. It was brought up by members, discussed amongst the Moderation team... then we decided on how to make it the most worth while for people that wanted to be a part of it.

If you think there is some big conspiracy regarding how I wanted this implemented then I think there is another site you can go visit, because frankly I dont want to hear your shit or the shit from Montgomery Moose and the rest of the get along gang.

Also if you and your buddies keep coming back here to stir the pot... you wont have accounts.

So to you and your little crew that want to keep stirring the pot.... Take this as a final warning to knock it off!

Have a great night!

I dont think hes that big a douchebag. Come on nick, blksmoke 100% provoked that response. He tested him (stew) and pushed his buttons, JUST to get the above response JUST so he/you could post it over here...

its like propaganda kind of in twist and contorting things to make things appear just as YOU want them to.

Im not trying to start an argument, and im not sticking up for Diesel Place...let me make that clear. Im just telling everyone to grow up, and if you really care about this site (Duramax Diesels), stop cluttering it up with worthless unproductive these DP bash threads.

I know ive posted threads complaining about DP, but that was for a legitmate reason, I got banned for something that was actually ridiculous (not just banned for saying "DP SUCKS YOU GUYS ARE LAME), and I didnt get banned because I was trying to get banned.



Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
OMG guys get over it already. Its going to be the same as it was before, only now you have the option to get rid of the ads if you pay. Diesel Place is HUGE. It costs big money to run. They are in the business TO MAKE MONEY. They get this money via advertising or paid memberships. I assume most of you people work for a living or, own your own business. Do you pay for advertising? Do you advertise your business? Do you give shit away for free and say "oh thats ok, we're all a big family so it doesnt matter"?? No I didnt think so.

I bet none of you people complain about your 100 dollar/month cable bill, and YOU STILL GET BLASTED WITH ADS. If you pay the 25 dollars a year on DP you get rid of the ads and you get a big PM box. And dont any of you guys whine about 25 bucks. I know you've all got that in spare change under your couch at this very moment.

stop contorting it and making it out as if "OH THEY ARE FORCING IT ON ME, WTF THATS NOT COOL, STUPID DP BEING STUPID DP AGAIN TEEE HEEEE HEE lets go over on mcrats forum and giggle about it!!!"

If one more person starts an immature high-school-girl DP bashing thread, im going to lose it I think, seriously. It was funny like 4 years ago when this forum started...right now its just old. :joker: ;)

rant off. :rolleyes:


So your paying to get rid of something NOT pay to get something? And the something you get over there (information) is put on there for free!

So they should pay members to post then,makes sense to me.

What next your going to compare the DP to garbage? Listen young guns the revenue they received from vendors more than took care of the operating expenses on the DP. All the rest ,adds, is to profit,profit from FREE given information,dah.

Enjoy your add less forum and your fancy username and big PM box. It's a F'in joke.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Enjoy your add less forum and your fancy username and big PM box. It's a F'in joke.

And no ones making you get a membership.

This is just like buying bottled water its not for everyone.

Everyone bitching about DP is still all butt hurt over Nick selling out. Get over it this thread isn't worth its bandwidth or our time. There are great forums like this one that more then fill the DP void for me.

Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
I get along with Stew ( Administrator ) just fine. I have talked to him on the phone a few times. I like him.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
And no ones making you get a membership.

This is just like buying bottled water its not for everyone.

Everyone bitching about DP is still all butt hurt over Nick selling out. Get over it this thread isn't worth its bandwidth or our time. There are great forums like this one that more then fill the DP void for me.

No shit completely understand and believe me they'd never get a dime from me. My ass is no longer chapped except when someone (Ben) tries and justify a membership fee. That chaps my ass like it's said paying to post! They jammed the place up full of advertisement bullshit advertisement when if you multiply advertisement cost to vendors times the going rate,I recall when I was a mod it was around $800 a year! Now these same vender's have to compete with Ebay and Google!

Of course he doesn't care because if he had to pony up for real vendor status it'd out way his $70 bucks.

Means nothing to me but being the truth serum! I don't even contribute to that site and rarely go there. But IF someone wants to bang the war drum I'm in!

Ben flipped flopped he 's also a hypocrite! He cries like a bitch when he gets banned ,cried like a bitch about the advertisement now he's like Oh it's a business!

He would have been better off keeping his pie hole shut! NOT ridiculing! I'm a straight shooter I expect the same.

I could give two shits about the DP let the suckers (BEN) pay if they want. Wait till they call him out about being a vendor! For know he'll slip under the radar and pony up to save face when he's caught as I've outed him!

SUCKER! :baby:

PS Oh ya Dozer you don't have to read nor contribute to this rant. It's called freedom . Freedom to come and go read or not read wipe after you poop or walk around with a smelly hole. Your option,freedom is great.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I get along with Stew ( Administrator ) just fine. I have talked to him on the phone a few times. I like him.

He's just the messenger. He gets a check . Your a customer whats he gonna do except be nice to you.

But you have to admit (seen you do it here) someone buys low ball Allison upgrades and then plead with you to fix their F-up. You pay there to advertise and look what you have to compete with. Sure you DON"T have to reply but bottom line is it isn't fair.

Back in the day it was a real problem ,now it's forgotten but SOMEDAY yes SOMEDAY your ass will be chapped. :D

Nonetheless what is done is done and I really don't care except to be a pain in the ass. Nothing personal I for one would NOT ask a expert for answers to my questions unless I patronized said expert! :thumb:


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
OMG guys get over it already. Its going to be the same as it was before, only now you have the option to get rid of the ads if you pay. Diesel Place is HUGE. It costs big money to run. They are in the business TO MAKE MONEY. They get this money via advertising or paid memberships. I assume most of you people work for a living or, own your own business. Do you pay for advertising? Do you advertise your business? Do you give shit away for free and say "oh thats ok, we're all a big family so it doesnt matter"?? No I didnt think so.

I bet none of you people complain about your 100 dollar/month cable bill, and YOU STILL GET BLASTED WITH ADS. If you pay the 25 dollars a year on DP you get rid of the ads and you get a big PM box. And dont any of you guys whine about 25 bucks. I know you've all got that in spare change under your couch at this very moment.

stop contorting it and making it out as if "OH THEY ARE FORCING IT ON ME, WTF THATS NOT COOL, STUPID DP BEING STUPID DP AGAIN TEEE HEEEE HEE lets go over on mcrats forum and giggle about it!!!"

If one more person starts an immature high-school-girl DP bashing thread, im going to lose it I think, seriously. It was funny like 4 years ago when this forum started...right now its just old. :joker: ;)

rant off. :rolleyes:


I really don't think you get it.

It's a loophole in the intellectual property law.

A forum is not a T-1 line or a server or a piece of application software.

It's the collection of communications and information generated by volunteers, sometimes at great expense to them.

This trend towards making enthusiasts pay to provide free content that a commercial corporation turns around and sells is wrong.

Yes, it's legal. Many scams are legal. Legal doesn't equal right.


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
I guess basically what Im saying is...I was done complaining about this 2 years ago. Do I like it? No, I think its stupid. Im not supporting DP in any way and im not condoning this action, and im not sticking up for kinda sticking up for myself, because on all of the forums that are better all-around than DP (such as duramax diesels), id rather read about good tech and discussion among friends, NOT politics...IIRC one of the reasons this forum was more or less started was just to move away from politics.

Its over. Its done. Move on. If you dont like it, leave it be and be on your way. :)

If 25 bucks a year is what it costs to get a bigger PM box than so be it. I need a bigger PM box because I get so many from random people asking me misc questions. The ad removal is just a side benefit IMO. Honestly, the ads dont bother me because I dont let them bother me and I ignore them. I read through everything so fast that I really dont even notice the ads. I think most of the people who actually notice the ads and complain about them are people who TRY to notice the ads and WANT to complain about them, just for the sake of complaining. If that makes sense?

"whatever...fine..." is basically what sums up my opinion of the whole thing...Im not sure what else there is to discuss on the topic. Its not going to change regardless of anyone else does or says... :confused:

I dont mean any disrespect to anyone here, and I really hope my posts arent coming across this way...I have a lot of good freinds here and I hope everyone knows that I prefer this forum over any other diesel forum on the internet a million to one...and I think what everyone should do to help move this forum forward is to just rise above it [the politics/issues with a forum that basically has nothing to do with us here].


Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
He's just the messenger. He gets a check . Your a customer whats he gonna do except be nice to you.

But you have to admit (seen you do it here) someone buys low ball Allison upgrades and then plead with you to fix their F-up. You pay there to advertise and look what you have to compete with. Sure you DON"T have to reply but bottom line is it isn't fair.

Back in the day it was a real problem ,now it's forgotten but SOMEDAY yes SOMEDAY your ass will be chapped. :D

Nonetheless what is done is done and I really don't care except to be a pain in the ass. Nothing personal I for one would NOT ask a expert for answers to my questions unless I patronized said expert! :thumb:

Reread my post. I said nothing about the DP, only Stew. I do agree with most of what you said.


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
MACKIN said:
Ben flipped flopped he 's also a hypocrite! He cries like a bitch when he gets banned ,cried like a bitch about the advertisement now he's like Oh it's a business!

He would have been better off keeping his pie hole shut! NOT ridiculing! I'm a straight shooter I expect the same.

duratothemax said:
I know ive posted threads complaining about DP, but that was for a legitmate reason, I got banned for something that was actually ridiculous (not just banned for saying "DP SUCKS YOU GUYS ARE LAME), and I didnt get banned because I was trying to get banned.

I previously admitted that I flip flopped because I knew someone would call me out on it. :)

Im just done with this whole issue and arguing for now


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
It's not a Diesel Place thing. This happened to many of the gas performance boards we used to hang out at.

It is just one of hundreds of forums that have fallen in the last 10 years. From Apple sites to Zoology sites, it's like web-squating, spam, and malware. A disease that is infesting the internet.

496 BB

Head Thread De-Railer
Feb 20, 2009
At your girlfriends house
Pats right. Here before long there will be NO tech and LOTS of mis guided information because most people who have the info will NOT pay fees so someone else gets rich off of their info. Thats a slap in the nuts. So in the meantime you WILL have all these kids out there preaching the tech info and thinking they know it because they heard it from someone else. Down the line that info gets distorted and before long all the forums will have nothing but hearsay tech on them because most dont have the money or the know how to find out on their own by trial and error.

I for one think Stew is a complete ass. The way he shafted me he can kiss my ass. It is all politics over there and everyone knows that. If they want to charge and kids are dumb enough to do it then more power to em as long as there is a free membership that can see all info also. You just paid to find out there is no smoke switch for you diesel. You will always have stupid people and unfortunately most businesses these days pry on that. I think its unethical myself.

Well we know Emily Post (Ben) paid the fee :roflmao:


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Look, we all knew back in 2008 that AF would eventually pull this. They just waited 3 years until the majority of DP active users had joined "post-sale" so they wouldnt know any different, and then AF just needed a simple push to get the ball rolling. Ben asking for a huge PM box was it.

I had been thinking about this all today, and then I see that Pat hit the nail on the head. It was one thing when DP was "by the members, for the members" and any profit Nick made was ok by us because it wasnt necessarily business-first, at least until 2006. But with AF, it is all about business and using our ideas/answers/questions to make a profit, which most of us who were DP members before the sale think is blasphemy. The newer staffers, while decent well-meaning people, dont seem to understand that.

Anyway....for the first time ever, I have to say that Im disappointed in Ben. He's one of the last people Id have expected to push for any kind of paid membership there. Hey, if you want to pay a fee to see a porn section, then go right on ahead. All the rest of the "perks" are just silly. No ads? Firefox and ABP are free. Big PM box? Shit, quit being lazy and do some "housecleaning" once in a while. Free shirt/sticker? Pass. Custom title? Eh, dont need it.

I guess as long as they dont change the parts of the forum that I've been able to see for almost 8 years, then to hell with the rest. But I give it another year or two and it'll be all-pay.

The only thing about me that'll ever be "grey" is my hair. :rolleyes:

Now, time to get back to figuring out how to run 11's in my truck and not blow it up again...
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Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
I heard about the change of heart Ben had for the DP just keep answer your darn cell and you emails and pm's and you would not need to pay them but its cheaper then the vendor fees there.