Man made climate change


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Look at the wonderful things that have come out of some of our strict regulations. High pressure common rail injection being one of them. I just think common sense has to take over sometime or else all of this will be in vain when China takes us over because we couldn't overcome our 18 trillion national debt. Private sector jobs like logging, mining, and farming need a break from some of the strictest regulations. 9 out of 10 service calls I make on my farm now are for emissions equipment issues. We have passed our expenses onto the consumers because of it too.

Typically speaking, it's the lower income bracket that votes these people into power, yet they are the ones hit the hardest. Ironic....


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
Typically speaking, it's the lower income bracket that votes these people into power, yet they are the ones hit the hardest. Ironic....

If we spent as much per student as we do per inmate, maybe the wool couldn't be pulled over their eyes as easily. Democracy depends on an educated voter base in order to prevent being taken advantage of.


Oct 3, 2012
Severance, Colorado
Its all right in front of everyone, its called earth cycles, its a proven fact that from the very beginning earth heats up and cools down. Caps freeze then melt, freeze then melt...we studied this shit for years in school. Its obnoxious people still see climate change as "a man made thing" but whatever gets votes...


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
Well idaho spends almost 60% of its budget on education I think that's enough....

Yeah, and most of it goes to new gymnasiums and football fields. Ben Carson said something along the line of "I think being able to solve a quadratic equation may be more important than making a 25 foot jump shot. "

But I'm off topic. Back to "climate change".

I think it's all political. As a farmer I get more and more worried about the EPA and their overstepping. Teir 4 emission standards suck, but Teir 5 just plain scares me. I find it disturbing that scientists who come up with a hypothesis let money grubbing politicians run with it and call it fact. Even more disturbing are the folks that believe the politicians. I've spoken with my politicians and they have told me that on a state level we can make a difference, on the federal level it's a joke. It makes the average voter feel warm and fuzzy inside about how overreaching and corrupt our government is.


It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
Total BS. Really nice to see more and more people waking up to the grand deception. According to Al Gore and Co, the coast of cali should be underwater by now. Oh yeah, and polar bears cant swim. :roflmao:


It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
Dude, you wanna see some real shiznit?
Check out the governments HAARP (High Altituude Aural Research Program) and its affects on our upper atmosphere

It was a technology origionally conceived by Nicholi Tesla back in the late 1890's to early 1900's, BACK THEN he realized it was so dangerous he destroyed his own research...

You worried about your plants huh?
Check out another government program (also conceived by Tesla) called GWEN towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network)...and what they do to bees...among other things

To top off the "man made climate/weather change" topic, watch/read some stuff about chemtrails


Nikola Tesla is my hero.
Watch "What in the World Are They Spraying?" if you havent already.


It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
China just surpassed the US as the No 1 economy in the world. The dollar is very weak. The govt printing press and quantative easing is driving the value even lower. It doesnt help that there are zero environmental laws in china, so a lot of major industry relocated to avoid the fines and fees from the EPA. Taxes are also lower. The cheap chinese goods will keep pouring in as long as Walmart & Target are in existence, and their economy will continue to grow.


Jul 25, 2010
Ottawa ON Canada
I agree with MikeL that over time the china market will begin to slow due to the money that their economy is making. The population will begin to want things made better with unions and such. Environmental laws will begin to take effect to match other countries. Then it will eventually turn into what is happening with north america with products beginning to be manufactured locally due to the increased costs associated with getting things made out of country. Its just a cycle that will eventually repeat.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Yeah, and most of it goes to new gymnasiums and football fields. Ben Carson said something along the line of "I think being able to solve a quadratic equation may be more important than making a 25 foot jump shot. "

But I'm off topic. Back to "climate change".

I think it's all political. As a farmer I get more and more worried about the EPA and their overstepping. Teir 4 emission standards suck, but Teir 5 just plain scares me. I find it disturbing that scientists who come up with a hypothesis let money grubbing politicians run with it and call it fact. Even more disturbing are the folks that believe the politicians. I've spoken with my politicians and they have told me that on a state level we can make a difference, on the federal level it's a joke. It makes the average voter feel warm and fuzzy inside about how overreaching and corrupt our government is.

No it goes to teachers pensions and unions...... we'll have to sit and discuss politics one day :D

But on the other your correct it's all a money game for politicians to get more power and money. It's total bs the planet is actually cooling off not warming up. Also how much pollution is made making def and dpf and cats and egr systems and all the money wasted on such things


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
I've read several articles for and against the argument of man made climate change. If you go back a few years, their computer models predicted we would be 15 degrees warmer and several feet underwater at the current co2 levels.

We are currently hovering around 400 ppm co2 levels. There have been ice ages with 2000-8000ppm co2 levels. It all comes back to what many have said in this thread, we are all subject to whatever the earth and surrounding universe have in store for us.

The amount of time, energy, and money wasted on the man made climate change hoax is astounding. I'm 100% for clean air for future generations, but co2 is part of what makes up things we need for survival..... like plants! How long before we all have to wear a catalytic converter muzzle because when we work out we release too much co2? We need to intervene while we still can.... if we still can.


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
Tell me this isn't how man made climate change "science" has worked.
Pseudoscientists have discovered an obvious way to 'cheat' the scientific method. It goes like this:
Pick a personal belief that you already 'know' is true, but for which you want 'proof'.
Perform some related observations or experiments, and note the results.
Generate a hypothesis that shoehorns said results into your personal belief.
Falsely claim that your personal belief predicts the particular results, and that the observations/experiment confirmed your suspicions.
This is a blatant perversion of the scientific method, but to someone not versed in science, fallacies, or psychology, it might seem similar enough to be accepted as legitimate.
This manner of cheating has been used by proponents of intelligent design. Note that this isn't limited to pseudoscientists such as those trying to grant legitimacy to intelligent design, but is a mistake frequently made even by "proper" scientists, if they focus too much on finding evidence that supports their hypothesis (their "belief"), instead of focusing on attempting to find evidence that would refute it, or on attempting to find evidence that would refute competing hypotheses.