Look I built a jet engine


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
well actually its pretty old, I built it when I was 14 or something, completely from scratch. But it didnt work that well, wouldnt really accelerate properly, flamed out easily, and had severe compressor stalls when the throttle was above ~25% or so. I couldnt figure out what was wrong with it because I didnt know anything back then, so I just got frustrated with it and left it alone.

Soon thereafter, in my dads opinion, it became "just another one of bens pieces of crap taking up space in my garage", so I put it down in the basement where it sat in the corner with xmas ornaments piled on top of it for a couple years.

A couple days ago I was bored and for whatever reason decided I wanted to mess around with it again. So I dragged it (300 someodd pounds) up the stairs with some complicated sketchy winch setup I rigged up in about 2 minutes. I threw it in the front end loader on the tractor and brought it over to our new shop. Took it all apart, redid a couple of my initial stupid design features, but the main thing that needed redesigning was the combustion chamber, diffuser, injector/igniter, and flame tube liner.

Did some quick mathematical calculations, some educated guesses here and there, and made a new setup. Put it all back together and what'dya know, it works great. :)

it sounds cool too...well, like a real jet aircraft engine. Its 100% as loud as a full scale jet engine too, trust me.

I ran it a bunch and then the oil seals in the turbo started to go bad. Of course the times when I had it running great for a while (10 minutes or so, its really thirsty), I never videoed it. When the seals started getting really bad I finally got a decent video of it running for about 30 seconds before I had to shut it down due to oil streaming out the exhaust pipe.

Like the early mechanical jet engines of the 1940's and 1950's (way before FADEC and electronic engine controls), it is very sensitive to operate and you really need to know what you are doing, otherwise it can run away and will keep spooling faster and faster until the bearings or turbine wheels let go. Starting it up is a very precise process too...Im a pilot so I have a decent idea how to go about starting a jet turbine engine, but it was still a little scary the first time I started it. You have to do about 10 things at once all while watching 6 gauges. Id like to setup an air starter or even an electric starter because using a leaf blower is kind of ghetto.

I start it on propane, and then switch over to jet fuel. (Jet-A is more or less a mixture of kerosene and diesel)

Before the seals went bad, it ran very well. TIT (turbine inlet temp, ha ha yeah, funny isnt it) runs around 1250* and TOT (turbine outlet temp) runs around 1000-1050*. N1 gets up to around 30psi at 75% throttle and N2 runs around 40psi. Oil pressure runs about 40psi and oil temp runs around 100*. So overall, it is running quite well, in my own opinion. :cool:

Ill post more pics, but heres a video of it running with blown seals. Otherwise I would have run it up to full throttle and kept it going for a few minutes... :mad:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/78KZ1G6PiP8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/78KZ1G6PiP8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Highway Burnouts!
Sep 14, 2007
Central Coast, Cali


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
:thumb: Pretty cool Ben! Ive been wanting to do that for quite a while:D I have the small ole T3 off my benz im toying with the idea. Theres a couple of vids of guys that made them out off VVT chargers! Cool stuff. Getting the combustion chamber/flame tube right seems to be the biggest challenge. Nye Thermodynamics even did a one on a 55gal drum wood burner:rofl: Powered by wood! Had a lil window on it with bleed air to keep it clean:spit:


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
heres another crappy blackberry video when I had it running for a while two nights ago. Cant really see much but lots of cool sound. :)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3ytIeMt9jys&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3ytIeMt9jys&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Filming courtesy of skeptical DP/DD forum member Tacojedbob
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<<<< No Horsepower
Dec 30, 2008
Lexington, Ky
So pretty much in a nut shell is this how someone would go about building one?

JUst feed fuel to the exhaust housing and get it lit, while spinning to the compressor wheel?


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
So pretty much in a nut shell is this how someone would go about building one?

JUst feed fuel to the exhaust housing and get it lit, while spinning to the compressor wheel?

ehh sort of...little more complicated than that. The design/construction of the combustion chamber and fuel injector nozzle diffuser is critical. The air has to be introduced at the correct speed and mixture in order for enough pressure/velocity to be built up to drive the turbine (hot side) without just "flowing through"

Turbos with tighter A/R hotsides are better to use for this reason. You can use looser A/R's but combustor design becomes even more critical/finicky...

Ill take some pics of the inside of the combustion chamber when I take it all apart to replace the seals on the turbo.


The Neens

Staff member
Aug 10, 2006
Monrovia, Ca.
That's badass Ben...Sounds wicked:cool2:

And the Lady Gaga song you were listening to in the beginning of the video should be inspiration for us all (my roomate's daughter recognized it);):D

The Neens

Staff member
Aug 10, 2006
Monrovia, Ca.
And the Lady Gaga song you were listening to in the beginning of the video should be inspiration for us all (my roomate's daughter recognized it);):D

I glad you, Chris, reconized it for us all :happy2:


I see ur not the only Ben who likes huffing Jet-A:thumb:

Seriously Ben T., you need to spend some time and dial that in...Pretty friggen cool...


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
It would be real cool if it were feasable to build one that ran its own aux. systems, like lube oil and fuel pump, generator, etc.

I'd sure like to get my hands on some APU's cheap, some cool stuff can be done with gas turbines!

Diesel Pilot

Hat? Suitcase? 50 BMG?
Aug 9, 2006
Pickerington, OH
That is extremely cool Ben.

Im a pilot so I have a decent idea how to go about starting a jet turbine engine, but it was still a little scary the first time I started it. You have to do about 10 things at once all while watching 6 gauges. Id like to setup an air starter or even an electric starter because using a leaf blower is kind of ghetto.

Yeah, it's funny how much stuff has to go exactly right for a jet engine to actually start. Nowadays, just turn a knob and watch it go. It's easier than starting our trucks.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
that thing is really cool. what the hell is your friend doing up in the woods hiding behind some trees?:rofl:


Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
Thats cool Ben, You were prolly that kid in school with all the cool projects.
Gotta be fun pulling old projects out of the closet like that and going back to them...

Me and 2 other guys did that in HS auto for one of our projects. We too had hardly any knowledge and we couldnt get it to preform well at all but it was fun. I think my friend in Colo. still has it in his dads shop. Id like to play around again.

We talked about mounting it on a go cart, but never got it running right to do much with but make cool noise, smoke and fire :rofl:

Teacher gave us a good grade for attempting something above anyone else and he didnt know hardly crap about anything so even though we didnt have it going well he and all the students though it was working fine :D


New member
Dec 11, 2008
thats awesome Ben . :D if I ever get down there again with foster i would love to check that out


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
I finally made some calls, found out what the turbo is, its off of a Detroit 6-71 TAB??? Its a Garrett TV75 or something?? Its an old turbo, there is not much info at all on the internet that I can find.

Hot side A/R .96
cold side A/R .75

only numbers on it are "23507846" and "WJO116 L" (or maybe that O is a 0?)

The compressor housing says "M-24" on it too. Says Garrett AiReasearch, allied signal, detroit diesel on the tag.

Complete rebuild kit, bearings, seals, etc is 90 bucks. Could be a lot worse I guess...

the turbine wheel is a little melted on the tips, but as long as its not spewing oil from the turbine outlet who cares.

If anyone knows anything more about it, let me know.
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<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006


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