@1FastBrick came thru with some new data tonight. Scoped out that crank trigger pin 94, along with Injector #1 [in red] and Injector#3 [in blue] control wires in several different sweep ranges. It shows us the ECM is in total control, using the 8 injector control wires to send the pulse in "us" to the FICM. Where it gets amped up to 48v, and sent to the injectors.
Still no clear idea what they are using the crank signal for besides a safety, but in the shots you can clearly count the wheel pulses after TDC when the Red Injector 1 fires. Blue Injector #3 trace is at end of our firing order. Couple pix I zoomed in on the Inj pulses, so everyone can see that control wire sends exact pulse width one would expect at idle.
So with a little more work, hopefully we can calculate exactly how much LAG there is between control signal to ficm, and injector being fired. And if that value changes with RPM. Sure there is enough real world data out there on where we need to be on start of those pulses. And recall there being timing calc differences for start of injection between LLY and LBZ in tune files.. Guessing that's our lag offset maybe??
Anyways will post up the files so everyone who wants can hack around and maybe come up with the actual timing offset GM used in this setup. They could always possibly play with the timing in the FICM to adjust for lag, but for now, I still say it's a dumb amp box only.