So to get by with one time you should tq them to 150 :spit:
pressure test leaked coolant to the front passenger cylinder.
We have never done the three torque to 125 three times then set overnite on our engines. We do the sequenc as stated to 125 and let set over nite and then loosen and retorque the next day. We've never had a problem but what ripm666 describes as his procedure can't be a bad thing, that is for sure, just not sure you need to do that much retorquing on the first day, especially on a motor not running that much power.
That was my over use of locktight and red grease I coated the cylenders with on the back valves . That wiped right off with a little smearing with a towl. Also I didn't put the anti-freze in it, it was just distilled water untill I knew It was good to go.
Well, magna-fluxed the block, and got the head back from the new machinist, He studied the head gasket also for 30 min with a magnifying glass looking for where the water was leaking. found NOTHING. I then sanded the block and cleaned. cleaned the head studs and added the ARP lube to the threads and the nuts, installed and torqued as stated in first post, got it all together, and still have a leak like i never touched it! this beats me I have no idea from this point as to what it is.