****in low life's!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Big Block be careful what you post. We would all hate to see it come back to bit you if someone were come back for round 2 tonight. Nothing sucks more then to see someone in the right get put through the ringer because of a poor choice of words.:hug:


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
File that report ASAP its not ur problem if your neibour took it, file it and get some nightvision cameras, maybe a dog or peacocks work well here

That's the truth. 24 hours is plenty of time for whoever stole it to get rid of the evidence.

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
X2 probably running it thru the wire striper as we speak.Id make a surprise stop over there wit your dad as a witness just in case you walk in his garage or shop or what ever and happen to see him in the act.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Big Block be careful what you post. We would all hate to see it come back to bit you if someone were come back for round 2 tonight. Nothing sucks more then to see someone in the right get put through the ringer because of a poor choice of words.:hug:

Thank you for looking out man. I would only shoot within my rites Ks is a stand your ground state and I do carry would only shoot for defence or there we a threat. Warning shots would be fired if caught in the act. If that didn't work I'm not going to sit there and watch my stuff get stollen.

I did take down all tools and welders off of the rig. Which is a lot of work but atleast it is secure now in the barn.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
I don't know how your rig is set up but here they wrap their leads around a "spool" mounted to the vehicle. Then they wrap a log chain evenly around the spool to cover the exposed wire and put a lock on it. The spool is mounted to a place that makes it hard to get a set of bolt cutters in there.

Most of the time guys have learned to keep it in a tool box thought. Even a cheap one will work. Its one of those out of site out of mind things. We never had any trouble with thefts until I got a flatbed for work. After that they hit everyone of our company trucks sitting out in the hotel parking lot.


That just happened!
Mar 10, 2010
In my House
My glocks always on my hip, just on the inside of my waist band dad keeps one of his 1911 in his back waste band. Always ready and I honestly think we would all benefit from more people carrying. I still believe there are more good than bad people out there, but it I think it's getting harder to tell

Thing it I carry a sig 380 and if I seem them steal it I would have shot them, but most of the time you don't even see them take it until its to late


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
They stole it for the copper. Id be looking at local scrap yards for the reel to show up.

x2 scrap yards around here all require scanned photo ID and most also take your picture as well.

Thats it I'm get my surveilance stuff ordered. I keep looking at it but i have a deer cam but i want video. I had a cop tell me once "Video is everything in court" he's right. 6-700 system is not much when they steal things it can add up to alot more.

Unfortuneatley the lawyer is everything in court. If they get a good one and you dont you could loose. Either way the way our countries legal system works you will be out a lot of your time and it will take forever to get settled. Then when it is settled its rare you get the compensation needed.

I work in the light rail industry as a mechanic on the passenger trains. All over head wire to power the train with huge 1.5" diameter cables grounding the rail to the sub stations. In some sections 30+ feet of that cable is visible and thieves cut it on a nightly basis. Probably $50,000 worth of cable every month is stolen.

They even try to steal the ¾" thick solid copper over head wire that is hot with 850 DC volts at 5000 amps. At least there somewhat smart and use fiberglass ladders...but don't realize the cable is under extreme tension and when they cut it, it about rips the person in half from smacking into them.

I saw a report of a guy that died shooting down power cables to steal them for their copper. He shot the wire down then grabbed it and was electrocuted. The best part is that the cable was aluminum.

I know they want the copper out if it, the issue is once the case is off I could never indentify it. It's gone neighbor is a welder and a past drug abuser that has some shady ****s hangin around thinkin it went there. He also has a copper stripper that pulls the casing off the copper so... Yeah I hope it's not him, he is a good fella at heart but makes bad choices I will file police report tomorrow afternoon. The neighbors dad asked us to give him 24 hours before calling the police to see if he could figure somthing out.

With my neighbors history, if he farts too loud he is going back to Leavenworth,

The fact he wanted 24hrs would lead me to believe it was them in the first place especially since they would be one of the few people who would know your schedules are erratic.

One day the mother of the local burglar came knocking on doors crying, looking for her son... We had to explain someone took care of his stealing problem . They never found the body.

Sad but if you trespass to cause harm or steal people's stuff youre briging onto yourself

I'm all for second chances, but honestly this who slap on the wrist 10 chances thing is getting old. People are no longer scared of the law because the punishments are not harmful enough. They also are not scared of the people they rob because not enough people have a way to defend themselves. Most of the people robbing places with guns are not very good marksmen, a homeowner is generally a much better shot which is a good thing.

Last month had 2 guys frying in a substation when they were trying to steal copper.

I have a couple buddies that are linemen and they've had people climbing around stuff in the substation before too. At least its natural selection at work, just wish it would work more often.

they are bad ass bc if anyone comes around em they go crazy and make lots of noise I know some people that have em round here and they work real good

That's it I'm getting some peacocks. Sounds badass. My dogs are not very good watchdogs (basset hounds) they would just roll over for a belly scratch if a stranger showed up.

I'll add peacocks to my list along with the trained Falcon we were going to purchase to fly between our farms and take care of our bird problems.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
The cables were just laying on my bed as I had been welding all day and was or tired to put them up. So yeah I screwed up but damn it's at my house never been robbed before... Times have changed damn it it's not fair for working guys like us to get messed with.

The tether asked for 24 hours because he knows his son does some dumb shit and he tries to help protect him. I understand that, and truely the guy is a workin mofo and a good dude. But even if it was his friends he is guilty in my mind.


So Long Space Cowboy...
Aug 18, 2010
Climax Tx
This hits me somewhat personally , one of my close friends is a professional welder (he's more like a father to me) and as some of you know, this hasn't been the best economy for folks in the metal work industry- some asshole breaks into his shop a few times a year to steal his welding leads and equipment. Everything is loaded in a trailer, locked down, then rolled into the shop- which is also locked down. I hate thieves- but I'm my hometown; the population is primarily white trash (growing into a middle/upper middle class town).

The hard working folks always get the shaft.

A year ago my mothers house was broken into, she caught the guy right in the act. (She walked up to the house as he was walking out); I don't think he was in their for long, just a necklace and some odds and ends were missing. I installed new door locks on all of the exterior doors to the house and to the shop- you need a code to get in now.

The weirdest thing that happened after I installed the new locks happened around Xmas time. Someone had stolen my "off-road kit" ( tow strap, chains, a pulley for the winch, clevis hooks,ect) a few months prior- and returned it on Xmas eave; they couldn't get in- so they left it by the door to the shop....

But 99.99% of the time- that shit doesn't happen.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Nothing new just made a report that day. Nothing can be done and dnt want to use my homeowners insurance for them. So I sucked it up and spent several hundred dollars to replace them.

3.25 a foot 300 amp cable 250 feet
Quick lugs 300 amp 4 @$50 each
Stinger $50
Ground clamp $50

I decided to buy new as my back up sets are just so old and stiff they suck in the field. This economy is killing me layed off and now winter is here so side welding slows way down. I'm lucky to me my old lady makes good money and my dad keeps me busy and paid on the ranch