one tidbit, can't remember who posted it but he did NOT get sworn in to the Senate using a Quran, he did so with a Bible and his hand on it. Doesn't mean I don't trust him though.
As best as I've been able to find, it is true that he does not salute the flag but does at elast stand for the National Athem. I doubt he'll be changing the anthem or the pledge of allegiance and will not dissolve them. That would HOPEFULLY cause a riot if he did and he doesn't want that.
He's a snake yall. I really don't think he'll be "in your face" about pushing an evil agenda. He IS an intelligent person and will go about sneakily so that most won't even see what's happening.
For example.... I continue to here that his success came from voter's concern with the economy and them feeling like he would improve it. Well, that blows my mind because a social economy like the one he has proposed that will "spread the wealth" is obsurd and most anyone in their right mind would object to it if they what that meant. Some of the recent threads sort of making jokes about it actually do explaining it in very simplistic way (one that comes to mind is the tip for the waiter going to the homeless guy outside). That really is, in a sense, what his plan is and yet people either ignored that notion and just think somehow he's going to fix the economy with that or are too ignorant to understand it or the liberal media concealed/disguised it enough that people trusted it would work.
My only explaination for someone to vote for him AND know what his economic plan really is, is either ignorance or desperation. I'll hope we, as a nation, aren't that ignorant that we would turn our face to the reality of the proposed plan and somehow think it'll work anyways but rather or just worried and feel desporate and were too affraid to elect a president within the same political party as the current president because the media has made it look like it is solely his fault for the trouble we are in.
And besides his screw-ball socialistic economic plan, he simple isn't qualified in my mind. Lets think about this... We, as a nation, came to the conclusion that he (Obama) is better suited for president than McCain in spite having ZERO foreign affair experience, ZERO Commander and Chief knowledge or experience, less than 180 days of Federal Gov't experience and no other politically elected position experience. How were we soooo blind-sighted about electing this guy? Goes to show you what people will do when they are desperate and scared! It's almost like they lose reasoning ability and almost do the opposite of what should be done. Kind of like going into hypothermea or something. It's crazy and those aren't even the scariest of reasons to be against him. I won't even start on the list of his associations with corrupt and evil people all across the globe. Absolutely beside myself on this one. Just amazing how many people seen it so much differently than I did.
And whomever said it, I agree completely, GREED (dishonesty comes with it) and MONEY are the roots of evil and likely may bring this country to it's knees!
Again, I simply pray to God because that's all we can do at the moment. Sit back and wait to see what becomes of this.
Mitch I'm standing right there with you!