Im amazed at the ignorance and stupidity of America


Active member
Jul 3, 2008
How could a man like Obama get elected president. Have we lost that American pride that has got us this far? Im in disbelief right now that Obama will be our president. I guess im forced to bow my head and go about my ways for 4 years. What do you guys think about this whole election?


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
it is American Pride that got him is accusations against your fellow citizens like those that will start even more riots and crime, which i believe we are all trying to eliminate


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
How could a man like Obama get elected president. Have we lost that American pride that has got us this far? Im in disbelief right now that Obama will be our president. I guess im forced to bow my head and go about my ways for 4 years. What do you guys think about this whole election?

I agree, It is a dark part in American history right now. I truly hope things work out cause we as a nation can not take another monumental blow...


Almost Stock
Jul 6, 2007
suppose he does 25% of what he said he would do? Is that so bad? All we can do is support him in his effort to change the country. It certainly has not been a prosperous time, lately. Not for middle America. Lower unemployment, increase the peace. Good luck to all of us. The UNITED States of America.


Active member
Jul 3, 2008
I mean im not trying to start $hit or nothin. Theres enough of that over at DP. I just think that this whole election had way too much racial influence as well as the media being completley biased. If i say i dont like Obama i get way too many racist accusations. I just dont like the man.


New member
Mar 2, 2008
so cal
Oh people people come on now you condem a man who hasent evn stepped foot in office yet x2 its americans tht voted him in. the poeple have spoken lets see how it goes and support not condem. I defnitaley belive ether canadate would be better then wht we have now. I have wached from a biz owner stand point this econmy go from its higest points in years clinton to lowest ever bush jr. white black green red who gives a crap i just wana see this country rebound and do good again. And i hope it happens or it wont matter whos presedent we will all be screwed jmo thoe


Active member
Jul 3, 2008
Well ill have to admit. All i want to see is to have this country prosper again. But i doubt Obama can accomplish that. Were in a dangerous position to have a radical like Obama get in. Maybe im the only who feels that this whole thing is just crazy though


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
X2 Tommy. What happens to you folks affects us too. I also would like to see you guys eating well and living happy!!


Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
he talks of patriotism, and love for the country... yet he refuse to pay respect to Her and is in bed with people that want to do Her harm....

yet says that if you want to hurt us we will defeat you... yet they are the same people he is in bed with :confused: :confused:

i too what to see the US propsere more... but socilizing money doesnt work.. it bend done before.... increasing taxes doenst work, cut spending DOES work, cutting frivialise spending and BS does work,
realing on hand out does not work.


Almost Stock
Jul 6, 2007
Well ill have to admit. All i want to see is to have this country prosper again. But i doubt Obama can accomplish that. Were in a dangerous position to have a radical like Obama get in. Maybe im the only who feels that this whole thing is just crazy though

It takes radical people to make radical changes. Would you prefer the term "maverick" to radical?

There is only room for support now. United we stand, divided we fall.


Almost Stock
Jul 6, 2007
he talks of patriotism, and love for the country... yet he refuse to pay respect to Her

Last time I checked, "God Bless America" is not the National Anthem. I don't remove my hat for that song either (God Bless America that is). AND, Most flag pins don't have 50 stars on them so they are not proper American flags.


Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
Last time I checked, "God Bless America" is not the National Anthem. I don't remove my hat for that song either (God Bless America that is). AND, Most flag pins don't have 50 stars on them so they are not proper American flags.

i agree... being patriotic would be wearing the lepel..reguardless.. especially in his postion. instead of say "i will not were That thing" when asked about wereing an amricain flag pin/lepel.

standing, removing one's hat place hand on heart, saluting for the National Anthem.. which the closes thing to doing that is standing...............

supporting people that are Against the very principles that America was/is founded apon.

he is a good speaker and easy on the ears... but he flip flops too often.

mavrick/radical are too different things... radicals are waht we are fighting in south east asia right now... we dont need one as POTUS and usually have coruption with them... mavricks tend to be cleaner then radicals both Will bring change.. question is What type of change do they bring... that has yet to bee seen.

i would love to see the federall goverment reduce to national secturtiy, regulate commerce between states and internationally, civial desputed between states. basicly what is was when first started out. the goverment has it hands in too many things.

outside of standard blah blah lines at the end IMO he is one of the more un-patriatic persons out there in the US. and his wife is right behind him as well.


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
I personally don't like him! He does scare me. Everyone has there own right to like who they do, McCain would be my choice but he sure isnt perfect either! I'm right-wing so naturally I vote right. I hope he can prove me wrong! If he does, great, thats fine. But he Has a huge task at hand. Heres my though, our ecomony and such is a long term thing, it will take quit a while to resolve it IMO, the currant economy way set i motion before the currant presedent, how Obama does, we wont likly truly see till his term is up again. Part of or bad econ. IMO was set in motion by clinton, when he helped make it possible for people to buy homes and such way out of there income bracket, well look what happens when all these folks cant pay anymore and then the banks fold and so on... Domino effect. 9/11 exacerbated and exellerated the problem, All around, bad choices keep being made and theres been no stop to it! And in the worst of times these greedy bastards get greedier! Corprate america keeps writing them selves redicoulous bonuses and asking for more! I was flat pissed the F*** OFF when i heard that one company that OUR TAX DOLLARS bailed out, the SOB'S took 400K of the bailout money and took a private trip/vacation! AND THEN ask for more F***ING money! WTF!!!! That crap has got to stop! I just don't want to end up getting screwed on taxes, healthcare, rights. I Poor as it is, if they pull more taxes, im screwed, i dunno what im gonna do. What it seems he wants is socialism, F-THAT the only diff between socalism and communism is theres no gun to your head IMO. I don't want to see the US Constitution getting changed either, which im worried could happen. I really hope we don't regress into a 2nd or 3rd world country or end up in civil war or some crap, very dark time for our country right now, i really hope im proven wrong, but.... verry worried:(:(:(