I got the other head off, it only took another hour. Both of them are on the bench and I'm getting ready to take the intake and exhaust manifolds off for the machine shop. I didn't notice any leaking spots but something was fishy about this head. I think it has been apart before. All of the injector pins I think they are called (little black dots that the injector hold downs rest on were missing, the 4 allen head bolts were a different color than the other side (these were silver, the other side was gold), and their are 2 "sleeves" that go in the holes for the middle left and middle right rocker arm bolts that are missing. It did have some odd noise at high rpm's when under load that sounded like some kind of chatter.
i dont like the sounds of this if it was mine i would tear it completly apart and go through it all very througly