How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Not here to start a flame war over left, right, or center. However Jeff and a few other friends did step up and take my bet Trump wouldn't win a second term. Rather than mail $500 to myself to see if I trust the USPS, I placed that on the Nov election. In full disclosure, I do have $100 pending 3.5yrs now on Trump fulfilling his first term. Couple times I thought I had it won.. Am Sure glad the SS caught that Ricin letter last week, bacuase I had to give up an assination clause to secure that $100 bet. I've been fully ready to consede, but then he caught the Ronna and my odds just rebounded, again..

Just trying to make the point to everyone here that we are losing this war due to our strong beliefs in personal liberties. Everyone go back to page one and read you own posts from March. Some have changed views, some have not. I respect that. But sadly history will portray this as a huge loss by the USA. We have the best technology to fight this war, but because we can't lock a laser on it at 500mph from 10k feet, it's been beyond our ability to defeat this little tiny bug.. All that was needed was leadership and cooperation by the masses, things would be opened up and back to normal, as in countries like NZ, AU, and much of Europe. However, we are still stuck in the trenches, talking smack, getting our asses kicked. That's how the world views us today, like it or not...
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Isuzu Shakes IT
Feb 15, 2012
Central OH
I recall a couple folks being deathly ill, but testing negative for corona? So we should wear a mask year round? Or just for the 9 months a year that is "cold and flu season"?

I believe the social distancing did more good than anything ( still not great ), but mask wearing is heavily offset by people not washing their hands before they eat or after they chit. Just because most places in this country look clean doesn't mean it's sanitary


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
I recall a couple folks being deathly ill, but testing negative for corona? So we should wear a mask year round? Or just for the 9 months a year that is "cold and flu season"?

I believe the social distancing did more good than anything ( still not great ), but mask wearing is heavily offset by people not washing their hands before they eat or after they chit. Just because most places in this country look clean doesn't mean it's sanitary
Wearing a mask and social distancing ends when the pandemic ends. Simple answer as I see it. Work together, solve the problems, move on with life. I'm rolling back to Florida to pick up where I left off. Only after I secured a place to work out of with nobody around beside the help I choose to join me. Simply, cut the interaction to a minimum, wash my hands often, and hope for the best. Life goes on, hope I had it and failed all tests I guess..

On the sanitary side, ask any of your local health departments when the last time they inspected all the restaurants was... Probably make ya want to rethink the unforeseen impacts on these people and organizations we typically depend on for our food safety. While they are attempting to follow all the new guidelines handed down from each state weekly, they also have to protect their employees. Many of who are working from home, doing covid clinics, track and trace, but ain't been out there checking counter tops in the local kitchens since about March. Bon Appetit 🤔


Active member
May 22, 2020
I myself know of people that sent in blank cotton swabs for testing, one guy sent in 25 I believe it was. Every single one came back positive from that place, and he was not the only one that done that to see what would happen. So whatever the number of cases is I give them half at best and it's likely less than that. The seasonal flu kills 60-70,000 each year. SO I want to know why COVID is a Worldwide Pandemic? Also how many people do ya'll know that has had the flu lately?


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
By your accessment of the effectiveness of masks I guess you would think the cdc has been over killing it on PPE. I mean dam they wear positive displacement suits that have several layers, idiots could have just been wearing a fishing buff...

No reply for this^^^

Seriously, I'd like to hear your take on it, why would the cdc uses such extreme measures if all is needed is a cloth mask???


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Patriot Act he was speaking about? Edward Snowden, a traitor or true patriot for dumping the goods about level of spying on US citizens? Same law that got the Russian witchhunt rolling ya know..

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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Wearing a cloth masks are to stop you from spreading virus to others, more than protecting you from catching it. If your not spitting on me or things I might touch, then much less likely I catch it from you.

N95 masks and PPE are to protect the wearer. IE; nurses, doctors, first responders. Both stops the spread, but we had to ration the N95 stuff early on, and the approach taken because of that has been modified.

It's about a selfless act to protect others, vs protecting those who work in a dangerous environment every day. Kinda like me getting tested today before I travel and interact with people I don't know.

I also carry my N95 respirator in the truck. Does nothing for stopping me from exhaling droplets, but does filter everything I breathe in pretty damn good. Keep it handy, just in case I get stuck in a Trump Parade...


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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Since I am going to Florida, can't forget to pack my politically incorrect face covering.

Only wore it once up here, got 3 "Nice Mask" comments in under 10 minutes. Along with many more head scratching looks.. Confuses the hell outa Trump supporters...

AND yes it covers my ears too...


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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
Wearing a cloth masks are to stop you from spreading virus to others, more than protecting you from catching it. If your not spitting on me or things I might touch, then much less likely I catch it from you.

Except for one 'small' detail you keep forgetting. No 'face coverings' that I have seen in use are meant to stop viruses. If it is as easily spread as they claim (easier than the flu), then it can easily pass through the 'media', as its not fine enough to stop particles as small as viruses, as well as out any openings. Then there's the fact that any covering, even though it is incapable of preventing viruses from getting through, will still catch some... Making that mask a viral hotspot. Now add in that 99% of people do not know how to use ppe, so they put it on, take it off, adjust it, reach under it to pick their nose (I see this kind of thing ALL THE TIME)... Now let's say this person has it. They're wearing a mask. That mask is catching some viral particles constantly, so this mask has a massive viral load. And they just screwed with their mask and then used the digital pen to sign for their CC purchase without washing or sanitizing their hands. Now you come up and sign for your CC purchase, not seeing what just happened. Guess what? Odds are pretty good that you just got a hotter viral load on your hand than you would have if the person hadn't been wearing a mask.

At the end of the day, it's basically like the flu, if that, for a huge majority of people that get it. It's not March, a lot has been learned about it, like how NOT to treat it, and there are some promising treatments that have emerged. It's time to stop this nonsense, stop listening to the rabid, fear mongering lamestream media, and get on with life.

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Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Not here to start a flame war over left, right, or center. However Jeff and a few other friends did step up and take my bet Trump wouldn't win a second term. Rather than mail $500 to myself to see if I trust the USPS, I placed that on the Nov election. In full disclosure, I do have $100 pending 3.5yrs now on Trump fulfilling his first term. Couple times I thought I had it won.. Am Sure glad the SS caught that Ricin letter last week, bacuase I had to give up an assination clause to secure that $100 bet. I've been fully ready to consede, but then he caught the Ronna and my odds just rebounded, again..

Just trying to make the point to everyone here that we are losing this war due to our strong beliefs in personal liberties. Everyone go back to page one and read you own posts from March. Some have changed views, some have not. I respect that. But sadly history will portray this as a huge loss by the USA. We have the best technology to fight this war, but because we can't lock a laser on it at 500mph from 10k feet, it's been beyond our ability to defeat this little tiny bug.. All that was needed was leadership and cooperation by the masses, things would be opened up and back to normal, as in countries like NZ, AU, and much of Europe. However, we are still stuck in the trenches, talking smack, getting our asses kicked. That's how the world views us today, like it or not...
1st, yes you are. There's a reason the McSwains never let political talk never ends well. I personally have lost a lot of respect for you already due to your views. Funny how you can say that people who dont wear masks infringe on YOUR rights, but you cant see it the other way around. Plus, you mocking our personal freedoms in dealing with this virus is insulting and disgusting, yet you are ok with wearing a CF bandana in this political climate in? Interesting level of "F-U" there.....

2nd, opinions on this virus have evolved as we've learned more about it, same as treatments and such. Our levels of technology have absolutely nothing to do with it. We will never, ever defeat this bug. Its here to stay, so we must learn to deal with it. No level of leadership or cooperation would've helped in the beginning, b/c it was already here for months. We lost before we even started. PLUS, our own CDC failed us know, the people who's only job is to deal with this exact thing! They should have been front and center on this (NOT Fauci!) but never were.
Add in the fact that there was never any consistency from ANYONE in leadership on this, b/c nobody knew what we were dealing with, and the confusion about it all, plus the "do as I say, not as I do" by our leaders (both state and federal, Dem and Rep) just pissed off more and more people every day. Now we're here, mask nazis and all. Welcome to China.

3rd, the fact you think comparing dictatorships (China, NK) to the USA in how they handled this virus is absolutely, totally ludicrous. Seriously, just stick to boats.....

F-it, Im done with this. Its Mike's thread, so I cant close it.....but damnit I wish I could.
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The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
Extremely well said Tom!!! That's the funny thing is Ken just doesn't see it. This BS effects my business daily and that effects my family. When people get tested all the time for no real reason all they are trying to do is run the numbers up or get attention. Both seem pretty self centered to me. Yeah know like the left keep saying about the people not wearing a germ infested mask.
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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2014
The fact that this thread has been aloud to go on i see as a positive.
I see the idea of the discussing politics as being taboo as one of the most damaging things to our way of life. Political correctness has robbed us of our ability to peacefully disagree. Shutting down communication as soon as it becomes uncomfortable is just putting a seal on a boiling vessel.
I am a former Firefighter and we ha an acronym for that ( BLEVE )boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion.
In the case of a population with an inability to discuss their differences it's called riot.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Gotta say Tom pretty much nailed it. As for his mask, he's calling Trump's wall racist because confederates are racist and wanting secure borders is also racist.

2004LB7 beat me to the punch on the quote. After reading some of Ken's posts, I was immediately reminded of it and downloaded a meme. I'll go ahead and post it anyway.


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