How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
I prefer to only compare countries, as there is no real mask Mandates to compare in this one. Only suggestive rules with no recourse for disobeying. [Beside that one chick in Logan they drug out of the football game, I've saw no other legal enforcement]

However if you put 50 people in an area, 3 wearing mask, 47 not and 1 of those people wearing a mask gets infected, and 9 not wearing a mask also catch it, that's just called a Rose Garden Super Spreader Party. No science background needed for that study..

While maybe not considered true scientific study, science on covid19 does predict that one of those 10 people will die. Anyone want put odds on which one? My money, rimes with Krispy...

Fact is countries who have / had stronger mandates are doing much better than US. And this week a clenical study of 3100 people was released showing people with Neanderthal genes are at much higher risk of dying or being hospitalized than those without.


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Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Well, common sense finally came to Michigan in the form of Whitmer getting her hands slapped HARD by our Supreme Court! Her use of a 1945 law to rule like a dictator was found unconstitutional, and she also violated the 1976 law in that she MUST work with our Legislature to get emergency powers extended past 28 days! So ALL her executive orders since April 30th are null and void immediately! About frickin time!

Granted, she has said she will skirt that ruling by using "other means" to force her views on all us, but she cant do it like she was.
She will probably "militarize" local health depts to enact rules such as mask mandates, capacity limits, etc.
Oakland Co health dept already decreed that everyone has to wear a mask when outside (!!!!) in that county.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
Believe what you will Ken, but the US is nowhere near bad as you make it out to be

these are the statistics.

this is what the media / political science shows you
Total Cases.jpg
Total Deaths.jpg

but what they don't want you to know or think about is this that we are not doing that bad when you break it down by population or by 1 million.

total cases by one million the US is #12
Total Cases x 1M.jpg

total deaths by one million the US is #10
Total Deaths x 1M.jpg

and when you look at the testing, the US comes in #2 just behind China
Total Tests.jpg

take it how you want but one doesn't need a "scientist" to interpret this data. it is pretty clear on it's own that we are not the worst country by far


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
Believe what you will Ken, but the US is nowhere near bad as you make it out to be

these are the statistics.

this is what the media / political science shows you
View attachment 104611
View attachment 104612

but what they don't want you to know or think about is this that we are not doing that bad when you break it down by population or by 1 million.

total cases by one million the US is #12
View attachment 104613

total deaths by one million the US is #10
View attachment 104614

and when you look at the testing, the US comes in #2 just behind China
View attachment 104615

take it how you want but one doesn't need a "scientist" to interpret this data. it is pretty clear on it's own that we are not the worst country by far

Have you been to those countries that had higher positive rates and deaths per million? Just curious...because I've been to a few of them and they are BY FAR less sanitary, have higher average population density than the majority of the US, and several of their economies are central to international travel and did not implement strict travel bans nearly quick enough to avoid those rates of infection. We are, as a whole, the most technologically-advanced nation, the most medically-advanced nation, and as a whole, the most sanitary nation on this planet, we shouldn't even have to be arguing the semantics of this, in my opinion.
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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
I have 14 entry stamps in my old passport for India over a 4 year period. Lived in 5 Star hotels for a bit, and a very beautiful home in upscale neighborhood in the state of AP Visited most of the major cities, toured several hospitals, ate at roadside stands, even watched a guy in back alley filling used water bottles from a garden hose, and put new sealed caps on em to sell to tourists..

No way in hell I ever imagined the USA would have a higher stack of dead bodies from this bug today than India.. Beyond belief if you've ever spent time living outside some tourist hotspot on this rock....

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Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
I have 14 entry stamps in my old passport for India over a 4 year period. Lived in 5 Star hotels for a bit, and a very beautiful home in upscale neighborhood in the state of AP Visited most of the major cities, toured several hospitals, ate at roadside stands, even watched a guy in back alley filling used water bottles from a garden hose, and put new sealed caps on em to sell to tourists..

No way in hell I ever imagined the USA would have a higher stack of dead bodies from this bug today than India.. Beyond belief if you've ever spent time living outside some tourist hotspot on this rock....

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Have you ever considered maybe the numbers reported are not exactly accurate? I believe the US is inflating our numbers, and I suspect many other countries are under reporting (or in the case of India, not testing)


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Have you ever considered maybe the numbers reported are not exactly accurate? I believe the US is inflating our numbers, and I suspect many other countries are under reporting (or in the case of India, not testing)
Simply they and China are both 5x larger than us. Pretty unlikely they are fuged by that much. Especially if you look at China to us. Word gets out, if it was as bad there, world would know it.

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Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
1) Numbers in USA are inflated due to politicians seeing a huge chance to use the pandemic to get their nominee elected. I live in Michigan, where our governor was doing everything she could to us in order to become VP.
2) Numbers in China are deflated due to their politicians. We'll never know just how bad/good it was there b/c of the secretive nature of their society.


Active member
Jun 4, 2008
Grass Range, Montana
Are you guys talking about this India ? The India that is only ranked 142 out of 180 countries for freedom of the press ?


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2014
Believe what you will Ken, but the US is nowhere near bad as you make it out to be

these are the statistics.

this is what the media / political science shows you
View attachment 104611
View attachment 104612

but what they don't want you to know or think about is this that we are not doing that bad when you break it down by population or by 1 million.

total cases by one million the US is #12
View attachment 104613

total deaths by one million the US is #10
View attachment 104614

and when you look at the testing, the US comes in #2 just behind China
View attachment 104615

take it how you want but one doesn't need a "scientist" to interpret this data. it is pretty clear on it's own that we are not the worst country by far
Like I pointed out earlier the left only sees the numbers that support their narrative. It matters little where the information comes from as they just see what they want and ignore or disregard what they don't.
This virus is much like any other virus flue season is coming and you better be prepared. Spring and Summer has come and gone and do to this tunnel vision approach I am afraid we may have missed our opportunity while risk were at their lowest. It is believed by may leading virologist that shorter daylight hours(infrared radiation) is the leading cause for seasonal heightened viral infection. A second cause high on the list is people gathered indoors more avoiding the cold. You see the biggest danger stemming from this virus is the way we have all reacted and in my opinion most of the poor reactions from both sides comes mainly from the left's weaponization of it!!! Please somebody change my mind!!!


Active member
Jun 4, 2008
Grass Range, Montana
Fauci/Birx told us months ago that not all countries are reporting deaths the same. The USA for example which has been confirmed by both Fauci/Birx is being very liberal in calling a death by Kung Flu. Doctors here can assume a death by Kung Flu without testing and that is acceptable by the standards put forth by I believe it was the CDC.
I do not think it is fair to compare the numbers since not all countries are following the same standards. At most we can call them ballpark numbers but that still leaves a lot to up/down and all around.
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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Well, common sense finally came to Michigan in the form of Whitmer getting her hands slapped HARD by our Supreme Court! Her use of a 1945 law to rule like a dictator was found unconstitutional, and she also violated the 1976 law in that she MUST work with our Legislature to get emergency powers extended past 28 days! So ALL her executive orders since April 30th are null and void immediately! About frickin time!

Granted, she has said she will skirt that ruling by using "other means" to force her views on all us, but she cant do it like she was.
She will probably "militarize" local health depts to enact rules such as mask mandates, capacity limits, etc.
Oakland Co health dept already decreed that everyone has to wear a mask when outside (!!!!) in that county.
Here in lies the problem IMO. We are not the "United" States Of America,, with a single "leadership" guided approach to this pandemic. We are 50 separate states all fighting the same problem. 48 of which share borders, connected by road, rivers, lakes, and such. But would anyone care to pull up stats on the two states that don't share borders with the rest for discussion??

In the beginning "Late February" everyone looked to the CDC and the White House for guidance daily, and followed whatever was proposed without question. Then Washington said "lets throw Three Trillion Dollars at the issue, and see if that fixes it.." By the way, everyone stay home for 15 days and wait for your free money. But don't rush out an spend it please... Then soon as that 15 days was up, our President says, "I'm out, it up to the governors to decide when to reopen each state.." Half a week later he was praising Florida for getting back to business. Some call that passing the buck, while I call it the death nail in likely a half a million American coffins before this deal is done.. Why not own it master problem solver??

There is no way to stop the spread between cities once you remove a central point of command. People in one state may be vigilant, while others ignore all warning and do as they please. Like travel... An early example of this I witnessed first hand, and realized this upcoming issue back in first of April. When I drove from Ohio to Florida and back during the lock-down period, the roads were dead scary empty, until I reach Florida. I was checked at the boarder and ask where I was traveling from. Everyone from NJ or NY got a "Please pull to the side tent for your free Covid-19 test.." Once inside Florida, barely noticed a difference from when I'd left first of March. Also the first major resurgence was in what state??

Now you have NY and NJ recovering, and FL, TX, LA, CA all hot spots. While I stayed holed up on the boarder of WV, which was like watching the Tortoise and the Snare, with WV being so slow they couldn't catch a case.. Now Five months later, the snare is still ahead, but this safe haven of the country I was hanging out in is now catching up on your best per cap numbers. Mostly because everyone got tiered of waiting for something that just never seemed to show up, until it just showed up everywhere.. My wife does contact tracing, and I say "why are you even wasting good time chasing your tails?" It''s over, ya lost control, spend that time inspecting the restaurants nobody has safety checked in past 8 freaking months...

I understand we can't expect to compete with island nations like AU or NZ in realistic apples to apples comparison. They just shut the doors and 99% of the problem was solved same day. Or heck, how about North Korea? Let me say ya gotta give Lil Kim kudos on his performance with this one. Probably the safest place on this rock right now from covid... If you get covid, you just die of a gunshot before even needing oxygen. Pretty simple record keeping on his part I'd say. But as for US compared to India or China, we're way upside down no matter how you count the beans. Personally I see no chance of correction before a vaccine hits. We ain't gonna shut down again like Israel, France, or even as the UK is considering doing. Never happen. In the words of Lewis Black, "You're All F-ked"
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
Ken, I keep hearing from you about it takes more isolation and lock downs to solve this virus issue but keep seeing posts from you about traveling to various states and cities throughout this "pandemic". If you truly believed it, I think you would put you money where your mouth is


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Ken, I keep hearing from you about it takes more isolation and lock downs to solve this virus issue but keep seeing posts from you about traveling to various states and cities throughout this "pandemic". If you truly believed it, I think you would put you money where your mouth is
Read back a couple pages, I posted about it when I traveled. Nobody was dogging me for it back then. I followed the rules, and had every right to travel for the reasons I stated. Racked off 2000 miles in 42hrs, slept in the truck, and interacted with less than 5 people in the whole trip. Ah yeah, wore a mask when I spoke to anyone.. So Suck It !! ;)

PS. Leaving for Florida in 12 hours if ya would like to ride.. Will have a Neg Covid test before I roll out the door because I sure as hell don't plant to wait 7 days for results in FL..


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
By your accessment of the effectiveness of masks I guess you would think the cdc has been over killing it on PPE. I mean dam they wear positive displacement suits that have several layers, idiots could have just been wearing a fishing buff...


The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
Ken as smart as you act why in the world would someone so smart still live in this Cess Pool called America? How about you and the rest of the left worry about yourself and the rest of us will be just fine. You are in American because you know its the best there is. I bet you were spinning in your little bubble when Trump took a ride yesterday! LMAO American strong!


Feb 11, 2019
Backwoods, Savannah, NY
The virus is the only thing the "Left" has to keep pushing because of it's invisibility only.. Almost like when the police kill someone and part of the video is shown, then months later the truth comes out.. What about long term effect's of wearing a mask? No study done there yet and why? I would say, the longer you wear a mask the more you weaken your immune, what's going to happen when everyone takes their mask off and catch's covid/flu/strep/pink eye all at once?? lol
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
The virus is the only thing the "Left" has to keep pushing because of it's invisibility only.. Almost like when the police kill someone and part of the video is shown, then months later the truth comes out.. What about long term effect's of wearing a mask? No study done there yet and why? I would say, the longer you wear a mask the more you weaken your immune, what's going to happen when everyone takes their mask off and catch's covid/flu/strep/pink eye all at once?? lol

Yep! Anyone have young kids? Notice how much they get sick when they first go to school or daycare? After a few months they get use to all the germs and build up some immunity. Then they ain’t getting sick no where near as often. Before Covid there where discussions about how it might be bad for you to be a “ Germaphobe”. Using bleach and Antibacterial soap’s all the time. If you think we had a lot of sick people before just wait until they take their masks off. Or if you’re like me and suffer from chronic sinus infections putting that mask on is liable to make me sick.

So the virus will stop moving between cities if we have a dictator ? Praising rocket boy ? Shoot people with the Kung Flu ? Commie countries are good ?

Funny when the left keeps talking you see what they really want.
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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Ken as smart as you act why in the world would someone so smart still live in this Cess Pool called America? How about you and the rest of the left worry about yourself and the rest of us will be just fine. You are in American because you know its the best there is. I bet you were spinning in your little bubble when Trump took a ride yesterday! LMAO American strong!
I guess stop crying about bars closing at 10pm in Ohio, or Dewine's mask in public mandate and I will gladly shut up. Follow the rules, or as Trump would call it, Law and Order.. Don't bitch about protesters on the streets in Portland, but refuse to wear a mask in Ohio when it's also the law.. Yeah trump drove around the block yesterday in a heavily armored Becker, [Nice a half million dollar Suburban at base model] with it's 4" glass and air tight seals. But with obviously little consideration for the two men in the front seats, stuck in there with him because it's their job.. All for a big PR stunt. That's our boy... And now he's "gonna tell us all about Covid-19 in a few days." Scientist must have really pumped him full of some shit. .

Can't wait to light that $100 on fire soon as you hand it to me next month.... :p
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