How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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chock full of goodies
Jul 7, 2010
Col. Ohio
Open your eyes, hundreds of thousands of people die every day from whatever. Be it brain aneurism, heart attack, bear attack, car accident, plane crash, sitting in your car and some ahole decides to shoot you, trip and fall and smack your head on a sharp rock. People f'en die, and theres nothing anybody's going to do to stop it. This virus is over played, and I believe it's for a reason, and that's the part that pisses me off.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
To add what ironmax stated

For 2017, since the CDC data looks incomplete or not published for later years.

Total number of deaths in the US: 2,813,503

Broken down by cause
  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
So far this coronavirus hasn't even come close to the number one cause of death in the us. And if you look at the 4th leading cause. Looks suspiciously close to the number one reason for death by covid19.

Take the population of the US at 331 million and divide it by the total deaths in the US and you get 0.85% chance that anyone of us will die this year and not from old age. Those same numbers applied to covid19 puts it at just 0.05%. you have a greater chance of dieing from something else then catching covid19 and dieing
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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
I have pretty low tollerance for drunk drivers. And these days that extends to people who treat covid with a "not my problem if it kills you attitude." I've learned first hand there is a difference between one drink over the limit got busted driving home from a party, and a 0.35bac functioning drunk who drives the same road every day for years until they finally kill someone. The first I'll happily post bail for. The latter obviously has no respect for anyone else, and thus deserves no themphthoy.

Today here in the states, we seem to have more acceptance of the drunks of the world screaming, stay off the sidewalk if ya don't like how I drive. That's a pretty non-productive path for any society to be on..

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Making ends meet
Aug 2, 2020
I see what your saying. And there’s not a f-en soul out there I trust to protect me but mySelf. So, that’s what I’ll do and try to help who I can when I can. In the meantime I’m going home to rebuild the rear end in my piece of crap Jeep.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
You really cant compare dying in an auto accident to dying due to health issues, can you? Its apples to oranges.

I'll be the f-ing asshole and say it.... IMO, if you die from covid, well....thats what you died from. Simple as that. Same as if you had cancer, or a heart attack, or any of the 1000 things that can kill us every single day. Your number was called. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Covid just joined the list. Thanks China.

Some of you will say Im heartless and rude for saying that, but thats the way of the world since time began. The fittest will survive. Yeah, someday I may regret saying what I said, but who knows?

My Dad, who's 87 and has COPD is one of those who's most at risk.....he and his wife have quarantined themselves for 6 months I do have some skin in this....but we all have to live our lives, too. If you feel at risk, take the appropriate precautions for yourselves. But dont turn into a mask nazi because everyone around you doesnt share your feelings.


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
It's pretty clear that countries who had and followed a strategy based off science, are currently doing a lot better than us.

Then today yo have the head of the CDC testify in front of the Senate that masks are our best defense, even better than a vacine. And that if everyone just wore a mask, 6-12 weeks it would be well under control again.f

An hour later you have the President on TV saying he's wrong, misspoke, didn't understand the question.. Come on people, ones a doctor, and the other a dumb ass who's been caught red handed saying he's been lying to everyone about the severity of this outbreak since day one. If we hadn't screwed this up so bad early on, we wouldn't even be talking about this today.

Remember the campaign Seatbelts Save Lives ? Did ok, but when they started charging $100 for not wearing one, auto accidents deaths came down.. Amazing...
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Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
Remember the campaign Seatbelts Save Lives ? Did ok, but when they started charging $100 for not wearing one, auto accidents deaths came down.. Amazing...
See, I have a problem with that kind of law too. Not wearing your seatbelt only kills you, with some possible contrived rare exceptions. Not only is our society scared shitless of the natural course of life (all life ends in death), but we are also scared of the concept of someone else dying.

I don't think the seatbelt law is a direct analogy to COVID/mask wearing, since there is evidence that masks affect other people. But I have the same fundamental problem: you are making life worse for everyone, to slightly reduce the death rate in the short term. Because merely being reminded that we all die seems to throw a whole bunch of people into a tizzy. So let's all pretend we can stop our inevitable demise, and damn the cost.

I realize I am coming on a bit strong, but you touched a nerve there. This is coming from a guy who always wears a seatbelt/helmet, but I will fight for everyone's right to choose to be stupid, and not protect themselves.

The mask discussion is a bit less black and white, because choosing to or not to wear a mask does appear to affect others. Overall, my point of view aligns pretty well with Tom's above. But I do still wear a mask while shopping, because people thinks it helps, and so I can continue to be left alone. Really, that is all I want: to be left alone to live my life, until I do something stupid and/or get old, and inevitably die. But being left alone does not mean blindly complying with every whim of the government, scientists, society, etc. And this social distancing / mask / quarantine crap is really starting to wear my patience...


The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
Im still not wearing a mask and im not going to!!!!!!! One time I will and that is to vote. I dont care who thinks im a asshole. I lost my mother at 12. cancer I lost my little brother at 25. Drunk driver My father is all crippled up from the same piece of shit drunk driver. You CAN NOT CONTROL LIFE!!!!! this stupid ass ELECTION INFECTION will go away just like everything else the left has drummed up. I just had a very good friend lose his job of 26 years because of this joke of a pandemic. The only good thing about that was he worked for Ohio State and its like most colleges very left. Its starting to effect "them" a little now. The good guys just gained two more votes out of this crazy hoax going on.
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
Here's some reading material:

The TL;DR: "In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks"

Now, this isn't influenza, but at the most basic, fundamental level, they're the same: they're both viruses. If masks aren't effective in stopping transmission of one virus, it's not much of a leap to say they won't be effective with other viruses.

The bottom line is these masks/face coverings we see people wearing are NOT meant to stop viruses. The media isn't fine enough and viruses are too small, so it is very possible for viruses to make it through. If someone is infected and wears a mask, some percentage of virus will get caught up in the mask, but then that will create a hot zone with a higher than normal viral load. Now every time that person screws with the mask, they're getting a higher than normal viral load on their hands, then touching everything.

And the cherry on top is that now there have been some blurbs on the lamestream media indicating that they're not so sure asymptomatic people actually can spread it. They're clueless.

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Active member
Sep 20, 2018
The seat belt law was more about the insurance companies saving money, than saving lives. Look at who the lobbies were on that one. It was forced on the states by the threat of withholding federal highway funds unless the states complied. It's not a federal law.


Active member
Jun 4, 2008
Grass Range, Montana
If masks work then how are the inmates at nursing homes catching it ? They have been on a strict lock down for like 6 months with only employees allowed in the building and they are required to wear masks, gloves, goggles.
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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Facts show seatbelts do save lives. I was a hard core not gonna wear one, safer with out it, what if I run in the river type of advocate.. Basically because I'm old enough to remember riding in cars as a kid when nobody wore one.. Heck ya only had a lap belt if ya did want one. However all the research statistics in the world couldn't convince a majority of the population to wear one. So what did we do, put a little financial incentive "Fines" behind it, and wow, very quickly people started to conform. Deaths dropped, and now you can actually buy, and afford insure, a 500hp plus car. Who'd have thought that in the 80's??

I for one can say for certain I wouldn't be here today without a helmet law, or a seatbelt law. But both saved my life on different occasions. A 150' Superman flight head first into the pavement, only to be surpassed by 14G impact recorded on a SRS module will make you a believer in safety equipment, even if you don't remember either...

But enough about seatbelt laws, here is why I bring up the skin in the game on wearing a mask. Take a look at these numbers my buddy sent me tonight. Austraila is roughly 1/10 the population of the USA, majority of it in two big cites. They stated out about same day as we did on this Corona holiday. However they put skin in the game early, and teeth behind the fines. When we locked down, they did to, but with an up to $5000 fine for breaking the rules. So I ask today about mask wearing, and he said no fines now, but a majority still wears one out in the stores and public shops, but it's slacking off more than most would like to see. They had a recent outbreak.. Or as I would call the numbers, a typical day on a college campus here...

Hard to dispute these results.. 1/10th our size, same mortality to infection rate, but overall their whole country is running dead even with Franklin Co "Columbus" Ohio...



The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
Ken we can go back and forth with numbers facts whatever you want to call them. Anyone can find numbers facts lies whatever they want to SUPPORT there view. It all means nothing. LIFE WILL GO ON!!!! I was in a very bad wreck in 1996 with my then girlfriend. She had a seat belt on and it broke her back! I didnt have a seat belt on and went through the windshield. I walked away she was in a body cast for 6 months. It wasn't our time. Again life goes on. There is good and bad with everything in life. I barrel rolled a tunnel hull boat with no life jacket on and was fine. again not my time. I have done a bunch of stupid stuff over the years and its just not my time. Maybe today it will be. If it is I'm fine with that. That's called life. If you think you are safer then by all means wear your mask. I'm not a sheep and for me life will go on.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
If this keeps up we may end up like this
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Mar 27, 2007
Central IL
"So I ask today about mask wearing, and he said no fines now, but a majority still wears one out in the stores and public shops, but it's slacking off more than most would like to see. "

So the real question that you need to ask yourself is do you want to be wearing a mask forever? If it is not Covid ... it could be the flu or whatever else is floating around out there. There always have been, and always will be germs that can kill you. Of all the bad garbage that has come from this colossal cluster f-ck, the fact that people are pushing for wearing masks to "save" you is the biggest problem. Because if it is not Covid, there will be something else that we are being told to "protect" ourselves from next. As has been pointed out, some of us our old enough to know just how bad things used to be. Or what we got away with in the past. Unfortunately, there is a large part of the population who doesn't know any different and won't know any different in the future.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Come on people, ones a doctor, and the other a dumb ass who's been caught red handed saying he's been lying to everyone about the severity of this outbreak since day one. If we hadn't screwed this up so bad early on, we wouldn't even be talking about this today.

Remember the campaign Seatbelts Save Lives ? Did ok, but when they started charging $100 for not wearing one, auto accidents deaths came down.. Amazing...

Wait so he screwed this up so bad, but was blasted by democrats for shutting down travel to China? Way before any mask mandate or The Democrats would even acknowledge that the virus was a concern for us.

I don’t wear a seatbelt because I’m scared of a ticket I will do it for safety. My tinted windows in sure that no one knows whether I’m wearing a seatbelt or not. The reason it took time for accident deaths to come down is because older generations that have been driving for a long time refused to except the fact they were safer with them on. Just like you mentioned growing up not wearing them. Younger generations like myself that have always known and been taught that you’re safer to wear a seatbelt don’t have that problem, so are more likely to wear them. I find laws like that ridiculous. Just like child seatbelt/Car seat law/Car seat laws. The government doesn’t know what’s best for my child I do.
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