How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
I'd see how a month or two of quarantine together works out first. I'd trade my wife of 30 years for a bottle of quaaludes and half gallon of whiskey today.. And I don't normally drink...

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The Still Master
NC goes under lockdown Monday at 5. Everyone who is essential got letters they must carry with them. We will see if the police actually pull people over. My company is technically considered essential, but many of the mills we do work for aren’t. I haven’t worked in two weeks (still paid) but as of Monday we are going on furlough. I get paid for two more weeks then layoffs start. I was also planning to be moving out of state this month so this is going to throw that for a damn loop. I don’t get any of this at all. Sure. Yes. It’s absolutely deadly. But blown out of proportion. I’ve had my own “conspiracy theories” since the began because it’s been way too easy to connect the dots. Stay safe out there my DD family.


I have had to travel between SC and NC the past 10 days or so, I left NC last Wed Night, heading back tomorrow night for 30-45 days.

I travel after 8p[m from SC, I usually get to NC when I have to be around 11:30-11:45pm.

I have to cross SC/NC on 77 North where Rock Hill SC an Charlotte NC if I get stopped its gong to be around there I am guessing.

That is if they bother............not many cops have been pulling anyone over, I got passed doing 80 in a 70 by a truck knocking on 95-100mph, went right on passed two SC Troopers, they never moved, don;t think they cared one bit at 11:00pm at nigh..................:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:


6-5/6-6;Whatever It Takes
Sep 11, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Statistically, .75% and 1.6% are not that different.

On the other hand, 0.02% and even 0.75% is.

Point is, it IS more deadly. But we shouldn't be shutting down the country for Pete's sake.

Everyone is going to get it eventually. No immunity till you pass through.

The point about lack of herd immunity is valid as is the observation that 95% of us need to get it for that to kick in.

There is so much bad information being offered and accepted here.

I work in health-care for a large academic medical center in a state with a governor that has been very proactive in implementing mitigation strategies.

Even with those, we expect to fill our 3000 beds the third week of April. The second week of May should be our peak.

At that time we project we will have a deficit of 5000 beds.

It took two months for our first 1000 fatalities in the U.S. It took 2 days for the second 1000.

I have been receiving text messages from physicians I know that work in NYC since last week that read like dispatches from the third world.

Wake up people, this is NOT A DRILL. Or a conspiracy or some other nonsense.

Oh, and BTW, it is also coming back again in the fall, just like Spanish flu in 1918. And that second wave was the really deadly one.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Dec 15, 2010
I'm sorry minisub, I just don't see it. Your data doesn't add up


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Aug 31, 2017
Just my 2 cents, which really is not worth that. If I have emphysema, contract corvid19 and die with pneumonia what is my case of death? If I had heart disease, contract corvid19 die after a heart attack what is my cause of death. I have seen reports of both instances. I am not trying to make light of people dying, people do that every day. I am more likely to die in a car crash tomorrow (maybe not as much since less people are going to work now) than corvid19. How many trillions has been invested in all medicine yet people still die.

Do we really need to get into crime statics? If a mugger snatches a woman's purse and she looses her balance hits her head on the curb and dies months later is that murder, manslaughter, involantary homicide or assualt? Juse how much has been spent on the "drug war"?

All these things amounts to who wants to make a name for themselves and ultimately who will get paid.

The 1918 epidemic did not have a 2 trillion dollar bailout and the country survived. We might need to look at our society as a whole and not just 1 sound bite at a time that might make ME the most money.

As a finial note if a check or money is sent to me it will NOT be cashed, deposited or used for a thing other than toilet paper. Which is all it will be worth if we keep going the way we are going.


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
The point about lack of herd immunity is valid as is the observation that 95% of us need to get it for that to kick in.

There is so much bad information being offered and accepted here.

I work in health-care for a large academic medical center in a state with a governor that has been very proactive in implementing mitigation strategies.

Even with those, we expect to fill our 3000 beds the third week of April. The second week of May should be our peak.

At that time we project we will have a deficit of 5000 beds.

It took two months for our first 1000 fatalities in the U.S. It took 2 days for the second 1000.

I have been receiving text messages from physicians I know that work in NYC since last week that read like dispatches from the third world.

Wake up people, this is NOT A DRILL. Or a conspiracy or some other nonsense.

Oh, and BTW, it is also coming back again in the fall, just like Spanish flu in 1918. And that second wave was the really deadly one.

Do some reading on herd immunity. Human kind wouldn't exsist without it, God knows what he is doing. We are the most advanced thing on this earth and so far we are the most advanced thing we have ever discovered. Our bodies will adapt and continiue on like always. Have faith people and you will be fine...


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
groveport, ohio
One thing I know

There are so many opinions, theories, facts, he said she said this and my cousins brothers uncle said this.

I’m not saying this about about anyone on here but everyone I talk to knows someone who knows someone somewhere. I’ve heard so many conflicting things I gave up.


Sep 23, 2013
One thing I know

There are so many opinions, theories, facts, he said she said this and my cousins brothers uncle said this.

I’m not saying this about about anyone on here but everyone I talk to knows someone who knows someone somewhere. I’ve heard so many conflicting things I gave up.

im glad im not the only one here


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
One thing I know

There are so many opinions, theories, facts, he said she said this and my cousins brothers uncle said this.

I’m not saying this about about anyone on here but everyone I talk to knows someone who knows someone somewhere. I’ve heard so many conflicting things I gave up.



Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
From a CA case shortly after the Spanish Flu outbreak. It stands as existing case law, never having been overturned.

"A mere suspicion [that someone is infected], unsupported by facts giving rise to reasonable or probable cause, will not justify depriving a person of his liberty under an order of quarantine." [Ex parte Arata (App. 2 Dist. 1921) 52 Cal.App. 380, 198 P. 814.]

It should be manifestly obvious that if the govt can't do it to one individual, they can't do it to millions of individuals.

"The right to travel is a part of the liberty of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment."
[Kent v. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116, 125 (1958)]

"The right to travel, to go from place to place as the means of transportation permit, is a natural right subject to the rights of others and to reasonable regulation under law. A restraint imposed by the Government of the United States upon this liberty, therefore, must conform with the provision of the Fifth Amendment that ‘No person shall be * * * deprived of * * * liberty * * * without due process of law’."
[Schactman v. Dulles, 96 App DC 287, 225 F.2d 938, at 941]

-The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the United States Congress from enacting legislation that would abridge the right of the people to assemble peaceably. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution makes this prohibition applicable to state governments.

-"The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon in the ordinary course of life and business is a common right which he has under his right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right in so doing to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day; and under the existing modes of travel includes the right to drive a horse-drawn carriage or wagon thereon, or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purposes of life and business. It is not a mere privilege, like the privilege of moving a house in the street, operating a business stand in the street, or transporting persons or property for hire along the street, which a city may permit or prohibit at will."
[Thompson v. Smith, 155 Va. 367,154 SE 579 (1930)]

With all these lock downs... It Reminds me of a Ben Franklin quote....
Yes I know people that have had it, and are vulnerable...

Questions be becomes, why are we so effing eager to give up our freedoms allowing gross government overreaching??


Swiss Army Wife
Jan 29, 2020
Mesa, AZ
We are all just along for the ride at this point :)

I don’t know if this is the right or wrong attitude to have. I can say I certainly feel like this currently. The past month has been such a rollercoaster of emotions over this damn virus and everything that it’s affecting that I’m exhausted.

Today loops between apathy and irritation. I feel like if I’m gonna get it, I’m gonna get it, but I wanna scream at some people, ya know?

Yesterday, I was actually considering just slamming on the brakes when the Camry behind me was tailgating me so close I could just see the top of his car on the drive home. I didn’t even care if it hurt my truck, my blood was boiling already.

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Feb 25, 2020
Wrong attitude^^^

Not trying to be rude but please explain how that is the wrong attitude?

All I can do is protect my family by preventing them going out and making sure everything is clean. All I can hope for is that other people do the same, however when I go to the grocery store and I see tons of businesses that are still open and are not trying to prevent the spread that should not be open. Better yet when we have customers come in and they get rude with us because we are a being safe, clean and cautious about this virus.

So when I say "We are all just along for the ride now :)" I am meaning the fact that there is no point in stressing out over things that I am not in control of. I will do whatever it takes to not spread the virus and also keep my family safe but at the end of the day I can not prevent the government's actions nor my neighbors. So to each there own on what kind of attitude they want to have about it but for the past couple of days I have stopped worrying about it and I have been much happier.


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Still no takers on the wife trade. She's really a beautiful women. Few miles on her, but no rust yet...

I understand Quaaludes may be hard to come by unless your Bill Cosby's neighbor, so I will consider offers of two half gallons of whiskey. Must be Maker's or better..


Dec 16, 2008
Salt Lake City, UT
Still no takers on the wife trade. She's really a beautiful women. Few miles on her, but no rust yet...

I understand Quaaludes may be hard to come by unless your Bill Cosby's neighbor, so I will consider offers of two half gallons of whiskey. Must be Maker's or better..

wish we had a LIKE button :thumb::thumb::thumb:


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
That "test" I talked about consisted of three questions....thats it.

1) Have you recently traveled internationally? (I looked at my boss like, "Sure, I hopped on the Concorde last night and went to Rome for the evening")
2) Have you had contact with anyone who has CV-19 or the symptoms?
3) Have you had a fever within the past 24hrs?

Then I walk into one of the offices, and our Hourly Safety Chairperson is sitting there all miserable. I ask him whats up, he says, " I dont feel well." Man, I about lost it...."WTH are you doing here? Take the 10 days leave, go home and get better!" F-ing moron. He should know better.

Its been weird the past couple days telling people to please stay 6 feet away from me while I make their delivery, but all understand.
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