How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
No, the entire STATE of 10.5 million people was projected to need 12k beds. And the entire STATE is only currently using 313. That one hospital I mentioned would (typically) represent well less than 10% of either of those numbers.

Our total deaths in the state just surpassed 100 today. Original projections about 2 weeks ago was for 3100 deaths in NC. As of the newest models out just this afternoon, the projection is down to 415 total (which I think is still likely too high).'s even worse (or I suppose better, depending on your perspective) than you think.

And if our shitty-ass governments would do something to keep this out of the nursing homes, it probably wouldn't even be half that. Seriously, they shut down the local offroad / dirtbike park (private) that I go to frequently because "it wasn't possible for the business to practice social distancing guidelines". WTF!?!?! It's a 2500 acre wooded offroad park with less than 100 people there per day! We're talking social distancing to the tune of 25 ACRES PER PERSON! Yet that same government is doing absolutely nothing about all of the sick workers that are going into under-staffed nursing homes every single day, sometimes multiple nursing homes per day, spreading it to dozens of 80+ year-olds with a plethora of underlying conditions. Nothing, NOT ONE THING, is being done by the government about that.

It's maddeningly infuriating to me. Like, I'm pretty young, and I can actually feel my blood pressure going up thinking about it. Not really because of the actual inconveniences placed on me (I've kinda enjoyed a little 'slow-down' time), but rather because they've focused on all the wrong things, rather than on the more important things, and coincidentally the things they could have actually made a difference on. And dozens or hundreds or thousands of people are going to die because of it. It's really sad.

Roy Cooper here in NC is exactly the same way. He's a complete POS, has been for WAY longer than since he became governor a couple years ago.

The virus is notably slowing down here, and every day the models and forecasts predict less and less total cases and deaths. What does Roy Cooper do effective today? Enact further restrictions on retailers regarding store capacities, one-way aisles, general BS like that.

I'm genuinely curious: has a single person caught Coranavirus while shopping for groceries? I'd bet the number of people that have caught it in a manner like that is EXTREMELY small.

Yup. This is Vidant in Greenville that I was referring to earlier.

But the mother of a good friend of mine is a nurse at a WakeMed hospital. She said that it's been a ghost town for weeks.

I think you may be misunderstanding what is and what is not the government's job. I don't think it would be good to advocate for them to do more. They already have their grubby fingers in too much as it is. We can figure out on our own what we need to do to get over this. Big brother is not the solution


Nov 5, 2013
Woke up this morning to this:

Basically they're closing Pisgah National Forest. Hiking trails, dispersed wilderness camping sites, dirt roads, everything... until AUGUST.

Absolute, 100%, utter lunacy. I want one person to explain to me how closing a DIRT ROAD in the middle of nowhere is going to do anything about stopping the spread of a virus?

I'm not one for conspiracy theories at all, but when you start closing all access to half-million acre national forests, it makes you wonder....

I’m assuming you’re talking about brushy, and if so you must live close


I think you may be misunderstanding what is and what is not the government's job. I don't think it would be good to advocate for them to do more. They already have their grubby fingers in too much as it is. We can figure out on our own what we need to do to get over this. Big brother is not the solution

Nah, don't get me wrong: I fairly solidly align with the capital "L" Libertarians. Individual liberty comes above all else, with very few exceptions. If that sounds dangerous or irresponsible to someone, then they should change the Constitution (which has a very clear process for doing so). But until then, the Constitution makes clear (or at least it should to anyone willing to read it) where our country's and where our government's priorities should lie.

Patients in a nursing home frequently don't have the ability to take care of themselves, or really do anything about it if they don't like the situation they're in. It wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest that there should be some government oversight in a situation like that. In the extraordinary times we're in now, that might look like more stringent requirements on PPE and interactions, as well as logistical support from the government if, for example, procuring enough PPE is a problem.

I'm not necessarily saying that that's definitely the best solution, just that it wouldn't be unreasonable or necessarily unconstitutional to give government some influence over a situation like that to make sure the patients' rights are looked after.

On the flip side, I am saying that it is 100% unreasonable 100% unconstitutional for government to close down dirt roads and trails in a publicly owned national forest. Or to tell a business that they have to shut down because they (the government) think people patronizing said business may catch the virus. That's absurd. That's my right to decide if I want to use said business, and the business's right to decide if they want to allow customer's in.

I suppose that's what my original point was. The government is taking actions that A) definitely aren't constitutional, and B) aren't going to do anything to help stop the virus, while they could be doing things that arguably are constitutional and are going to help stop the virus. It's maddening.


Swiss Army Wife
Jan 29, 2020
Mesa, AZ
I'm with you there

Same. The people that have thrown parties and are being arrested for them, don’t deserve it. They had every right to host and their guests had every right to show up. If YOU want to be safe, YOU are responsible for that.

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New member
Jan 23, 2020
Soon enough the worst will be behind us and people will start working again.
Then the politicians and media will all need to point fingers at each other about some other problem. I just hate politicians blaming everything on someone else when they themselves have not helped decide on the correct course of action. The whole thing is like watching some cheap soap opera.

I just want to go camping, I’m stuck in a rural area when I could be out in a dispersed camping area staying safer than in town.

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
Danbury, TX
From what I understand about closing the parks its about the safety of the rangers, not the people. Rangers will still have to work to keep the parks up with regular maintenance, but its the MORONS that may have been in contact with the virus and show up at the ranger station to checkin and spread it. Once it gets in the ranger station, the potential to spread grows exponentially.

If they would not beat around the bush and tell people why they are doing some things, it would help them understand. They closed the parks in Houston this weekend for the safety of the rangers and to prevent spread of the virus.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
No disrespect but when did Houston become the 3rd largest US city. Even including out lying at best your talking 8 mil. I am glad the infections rate is low as well as the death rate.
Ya probably should have used the Google before I threw that out there. I was a ways off.

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Nov 5, 2013
From what I understand about closing the parks its about the safety of the rangers, not the people. Rangers will still have to work to keep the parks up with regular maintenance, but its the MORONS that may have been in contact with the virus and show up at the ranger station to checkin and spread it. Once it gets in the ranger station, the potential to spread grows exponentially.

If they would not beat around the bush and tell people why they are doing some things, it would help them understand. They closed the parks in Houston this weekend for the safety of the rangers and to prevent spread of the virus.

In some cases where fees and/or permits may be involved, I can at least understand your point (even if I don't agree with it).

But in the case of Pisgah here in NC shutting down yesterday, not one of the hiking, biking, or public roads that they closed requires a fee, permit, or any sort of physical interaction with another person at all. None.

It'd be like closing down interstates because a driver might have the virus, and they might have an encounter with a cop, and during that encounter they might spread it to the cop, and then later that cop might spread it to...

I don't deny that that could happen, but it's extremely unlikely. If we're going to live out our lives cowering in fear inside our homes of outcomes that are as improbable as dying of this virus, then what is the point of ever doing anything ever again?

And to add insult to injury, anyone wanna take a guess on what kind of pay cut those rangers will take since they'll be doing nothing for the next 4 months? Yea, exactly....


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
i want to say "this is why ive loved AZ so far" but the possibility of that change is still very likely. Public land and even state ran land is still open as is state rv parks and rec areas.

The ONLY way i can save my wifes sanity from our kids is to get them out of the house and boy is that limited. loading them in the tracker to go wheeling will be boring and makes them sit all day, city parks are closed, kid fun zones are closed, etc etc etc. Riding in the desert or forest or bike rides are about all we have left because i am NOT about that hiking life :roflmao:. Asked the wife about getting a bike/quad so i can get my daughter out more and it was a quick "sure". apparently that was suppose to be a joke because i showed her a pic of the quad im geting and she goes "wtf! i was kidding". She knows better than to tell me "yes" as a joke :rofl:. So im picking a 400ex from a buddy of mine so my daughter can follow me on her quad and my son can ride in my lap while we putt around. This will give momma a few hours break on sundays. Might talk her into camping more too, its just a b***h loading and unloading all the kids crap for a couple day trip.


Swiss Army Wife
Jan 29, 2020
Mesa, AZ

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<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
Schools closed untill May 15th, they get out on May 22nd. Just great, my child missed 1/3 of kindergarten. WTF are our politicians thinking?


May 25, 2015
Schools closed untill May 15th, they get out on May 22nd. Just great, my child missed 1/3 of kindergarten. WTF are our politicians thinking?

They started by extending spring break here, i think 2 weeks ago, they canceled the rest of the year, k-6 will receive no grade, but will move to next grade. They do zoom meetings with the class once a week, which for a 2nd and 3rd grade class, I'm not sure they are missing much on the zoom meetings. for my 2nd grader, they said what theyre favorite book they read was then everyone started showing their cats and dogs

Not sure what they do for Kindergardeners? Our kids were able to get chrome books they use at school loaned out, so they don't fight over the other computer haha.

but I hear ya, this shit is getting dumb


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
Our governor Roy Cooper took away NC right to religion and freedom of peaceful assembly yesterday. I do not believe he has the athority to override the Consitiution and Bill of Rights...

The problem with kindergarten is that you not only get a start on education but also socialization. It takes a very patient special person to teach kindergarten, I am not that individual. My wife works with an MRI machine so she hasn't missed a minute of work, that leaves dad to do almost everything, including still take care of my customers needs (I'm a marine electrician and lots of people live aboard their boats here and the commercial fishing fleet is in full swing still providing fresh seafood for the masses). It's starting to become a bit overwhelming, I couldn't imagine having monatary issues on top of all this. I really feel for everyone in the service industry, I have been going to my favorite restaurants and tipping them a 20 on 9 dollar wraps and such. This is completely overblown, the percentage of infection in my county is .0023%, the percentage of pain caused throughout the county that will last years is 100%...
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Nov 5, 2013
Our governor Roy Cooper took away NC right to religion and freedom of peaceful assembly yesterday. I do not believe he has the athority to override the Consitiution and Bill of Rights...

The problem with kindergarten is that you not only get a start on education but also socialization. It takes a very patient special person to teach kindergarten, I am not that individual. My wife works with an MRI machine so she hasn't missed a minute of work, that leaves dad to do almost everything, including still take care of my customers needs (I'm a marine electrician and lots of people live aboard their boats here and the commercial fishing fleet is in full swing still providing fresh seafood for the masses). It's starting to become a bit overwhelming, I couldn't imagine having monatary issues on top of all this. I really feel for everyone in the service industry, I have been going to my favorite restaurants and tipping them a 20 on 9 dollar wraps and such. This is completely overblown, the percentage of infection in my county is .0023%, the percentage of pain caused throughout the county that will last years is 100%...

Mark it now: Cooper is going to extend this stuff another month. He's going to offer some very basic reprieves, like allowing restaurant dining rooms to open. But any and all reprieves are going to come with new and further restrictions like he just put on the retailers, such as requiring customers to wear masks, or limiting it to 20% of fire code capacity, etc.

Basically he's going to make it sound like he's opening things back up, but he's not going to do jack squat. I can't wait to vote him out in November.

I still say that it won't be until May 8th that we start seeing some change in the direction it needs to go. Why May 8th? Well that's the date the April jobs report will be coming out. And when people see and hear that unemployment is higher than the Great Depression and 20-30 MILLION jobs have been lost over fewer deaths than the flu this year, it's gonna hit home and attitudes are going to start changing.

I believe a large majority of people out there don't understand yet just how bad this is economically. Most of the people advocating so strongly for these shutdowns still have jobs, and they don't think their jobs are in danger because they're "essential", or they haven't seen any downturn yet. They're going to be in for a rude awakening. 20-30 million people out of work (and thus not spending any money) is going to create a massive ripple effect that's going to affect just about every business in the country. And that effect is going to take months to travel through the entire economy, which means it hasn't even started yet.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Mark it now: Cooper is going to extend this stuff another month. He's going to offer some very basic reprieves, like allowing restaurant dining rooms to open. But any and all reprieves are going to come with new and further restrictions like he just put on the retailers, such as requiring customers to wear masks, or limiting it to 20% of fire code capacity, etc.

Basically he's going to make it sound like he's opening things back up, but he's not going to do jack squat. I can't wait to vote him out in November.

I still say that it won't be until May 8th that we start seeing some change in the direction it needs to go. Why May 8th? Well that's the date the April jobs report will be coming out. And when people see and hear that unemployment is higher than the Great Depression and 20-30 MILLION jobs have been lost over fewer deaths than the flu this year, it's gonna hit home and attitudes are going to start changing.

I believe a large majority of people out there don't understand yet just how bad this is economically. Most of the people advocating so strongly for these shutdowns still have jobs, and they don't think their jobs are in danger because they're "essential", or they haven't seen any downturn yet. They're going to be in for a rude awakening. 20-30 million people out of work (and thus not spending any money) is going to create a massive ripple effect that's going to affect just about every business in the country. And that effect is going to take months to travel through the entire economy, which means it hasn't even started yet.

All those restaurants will go under they can’t afford to operate with only 20% capacity. Probably the same thing for most retail locations.

I hope you’re right about the majority of people have no awakening. I’m just not sure I see it happening. The media has driven up the fear, so bad about this thing it’s ridiculous. My mom is usually pretty levelheaded in she’s freaked out about this thing. Now she’s on chemo drugs so she stands a real high risk of dying if she were to get this, but she lives in a rural area. They only have 1000 cases in her state. She hasn’t left the house in a month and neither has my dad other then then for necessities. He shut down his business to do so.

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