Time time to get the sleds out-51 now Albert. This shit is for the birds!!!!
2 foot of snow on my hood, shouldn't need or be able to wash it for another 6 months lol.As long as its before I wash my truck tonight when it cools down to 60 lol
wtf you coastal sissy's...It's a balmy, sweat inducing heatwave of -8 in Anchorage right now.
F-that those SOB's don't come out until it's above -10 at least.... Im a fair weather sledderTime time to get the sleds out
Seeing post like this makes me want to move
wtf you coastal sissy's...
I lived in Texas for about 15 years. Got used to the weather there. Don't like the cold myself.
And remember. Anchorage is the nutsack of Alaska.
Where exactly are you in Alaska Albert?
Really makes you stop and reflect on the dumb decisions we make Huh Reece:hug:
Guy's said it -61* in North Pole....