I can hear it, SOUNDS like it's on the lower driver's side, but it's VERY VERY VERY hard to hear. I've give the compressor a shot. So say pull CAC off stocker and put compressed air into CAC driver's side pipe and just listen for a leak? How do I regulate, control how much psi is put into system? Do I need to use a gauge? or would me autometer work??
It just ticks me off, I should be running alot quicker, tonight I could only muster a 13.55@98mph.
Could a MAF or EGR cause this symptom? What about head gaskets with no other symptoms?
I build the tunes so if you can't run good rail pressure, it'll pull fueling until it can maintain decent rail pressure.
Your logs show that your truck can't even hold 2500us when an avereage LLY single cp3 truck will hold 3100+. This is one of your big problems. Fix the fuel supply issue. Also one of the reasons your truck is running cool egt and little smoke, it's not fueling hard.
Fix the boost issue. When the proper fueling is reached, you will see more egt's and smoke with a boost leak.
These two problems need to be fixed before you will go fast.