extrude hone is available to everyone through Jim at Get honed, while this is very convenient to many it also has everyone talking bad about it... but the fact is the best of nozzles are extruded at one point... everyone has their own way of making a tip flow how they want... for example many nozzles are tested by the 3000 air psi in a tip for flow... while this is a ok measurement it also doesn't quite stand true to the hydraulic measurement that is done at per say 26,000 that it would be operated at....
large nozzles are first EDMed then honed to nock sharp edges down... everything flows better over a radius...
Exergy extrudes their own nozzles right on sight.... everything is extruded up to 100% over.... then they would edm first followed by extruding... hands down the best way to make a A+ nozzle... many others also use this method.
The whole balance rates thing isn't on how your nozzle was done. Its on how it was actually flowed and balanced after being built.
nozzles are generally 1-2% matched then the body's are then balanced out.
Jim at extrude is very good at what he does and their is a purpose for what he does. I wouldn't be bashing to hard on extrude.... and definitely not on one of the places that has been in it for so long and that many company's most of the diesel market swear by but would never guess use them......... just food for thought....