Has there been any tuning issues by doing it that way? Is extrude honed a good company to go with?
I would go with Exergy.
what's the torque on the injector tip? I didn't see that in that link.
Does anyone know how to get hold of JIM @extrude hone?
George sends them out to be honed... they are flowed at 3000psi IIRC then honed out and reflowed at 3000psi. They seem to be holding up personally i want them flowed at real world pressures but it is more expensive to have them flowed at 26,000psi. Too my knowledge DonM(F1) and Guy are the only ones that will flow them at 26,000psi
Lots of people have had fine luck out of extrude hone. I went with exergy. But my balance rates still suck, I haven't had my injectors programmed yet though.
Most people don't, and really shouldn't need to. But each injector has its own "Nima code" which is about how much it flows. Factory could be set differently. Each injector has a code on it. You would just have to find one number and program them all the same, since you get balanced sets. It's really not a big deal.... Just something I was gonna try out, I doubt even 4 percent of people actually do it. It has to be done with a tech 2. And when you go to a dealer and ask them about be prepared to get looked funny.
I never got them programmed. But something else happened to my injectors. Somehow basically got sabotaged IMO