Not a ticking time bomb by any means. Like I said, the truck I worked on had almost 300k on it and ran fine. It just had a lot of gunk built up that we cleaned out before it all went back together. How was your egr deleted? Is it just a blocker plate with everything left intact, a cold side tube to the factory y bridge, or a tube/y bridge combo?
Another thing to check is if they removed the EGR cooler, has the up pipe been welded or replaced? If someone has just stuck a blocker plate on the up pipe with no egr cooler there, it’s going to crack at some point and leak. Mine did this after maybe 10k miles and the bellow wound up broken almost in half. To fix it either take it off, cut below the bellow, and have a cap welded on it, or buy an lb7 type up pipe to replace it with.