LLY: EFILive DVT's...broken...?

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<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
Ok sorry guys, just kinda frustrated here but oh well...

So 3 hours away from home last night I lost an injector. Started clacking/knocking/POURING white smoke. 25 miles after I filled up with fuel, go figure.

I had my truck towed to my buddys house in burlington cause he has a good sized garage. I didnt bring my tech 2 with me (stupid), so I used the DVT's in EFILive to try to diagnose the problem. I guessed it was an injector because the noise was an upper end "clack" and not a bottom end "knock", and I have no blowby or any other mechanical problems. Thick white/gray smoke is obviously fuel.

So I use the EFILive DVT's to shut off injectors. I get to #7 and the smoke goes away and the knocking immediately stops. YAY!! Found the problem. So then I call up Schulte (huge thanks, put it on my tab of things I owe you for bud :D ) and he meets me halfway between burlington VT and home in CT... so we each drive about 2 hours, him a little more. He brings me a set of good used injectors to get me home. I drive back up to burlington...theres no heat in the garage so at this point ive been working all day in ~38* replacing injectors. I swap my 40% tip over to a good used injector and put it in. Still knocks, no change. So I think ok maybe the tip is clogged, so I put in a good/used/stock injector. Still no change, smokes/knocks.

So I pull up efilive again, balance rates are all over the place. Use the DVT's and shut off injector #7. Smoke/knock stops. WTF!!!!! At this point its getting late and I just need to get back home because I have customers trucks in the shop tieing up the lift that I need to get done, business stuff, etc...

I call ScratchRob and he comes with the gooseneck and his LBZ to pick me up...I think he ended up driving 700 miles between getting his trailer, driving to VT, and driving back to my house. I owe you too, we agreed on a bazillion dollars compensation and a set of BT DieselWorks twins. :D Thank god I have such great friends...

So I go mess around with my truck this morning. This time I grab the Tech 2 and discover something interesting.

I fire it up, knocking, smoking etc. I go to the injector shut off/cylinder power balance thing in the Tech 2. I shut off injector #7, no change, still knocks. Shut off injector #3....KNOCK STOPS. Shut off injector #7 with EFILIve DVT's, and the knock stops.

Interesting.... I hope I didnt work all day in a 40* garage and make two of my friends drive hundreds of miles all because the DVT was telling the wrong injector to shut off...??? :(



Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I think the mechanic is broke. :D

I don't like it but I always bring my Tech II with me. I don't like it, always afraid it might get stolen, but when you need it you need it.

So is it fixed yet?


Mar 2, 2008
Reno, NV
Very very interesting Ben......

I was playing around with a truck about a month ago and was using the DVT to shut off injectors as well. I gave up as when I was shutting certian ones off that I thought had the issue, nothing was happening. it kept directing me to another injector on the driver side which were all replaced...I didnt play with it enough to see what was going on as it was late and I was just trying to verify something anyway, but I left scratching my head about why it didnt seem right. Not sure if it was a issue with the truck, or if its the same thing as your issue..Now I want to go back and see if I was getting same issue... :confused:

I guess we could put a multimeter on each injector and then shut them off one by one to confirm the DVT is hitting the correct injector...


New member
Apr 12, 2009
"the mecca"
I noticed something similar a couple different cases,,,,,,
while working on a CR dodge. While chasing a miss with my Snap On Solus pro on a 3 or 04, When shutting off injectors the list would read Injector 1 cylinder 3 or something weird like that and it did that on all cylinders when i found the culprit injector, it was something like injector 5 cylinder 3. Swapped the good injector into #3 hole and all was good. Then, later year truck (07), same scan tool, same software version it was all in the correct order and simply said, "injector 1" and then the injector number and cylinder were in direct correlation and the faulty injector was in the same hole as the scan tool indicated "injector number"

Now a LLY truck was giving the code indicating a injector connector issue on one cylinder but wasn't acting up when i got the truck. Replaced the connector and all was fine for several days then acted up a little farther away from home so another tech looked at it using a different scan tool. his indicated a different cylinder and he replaced that connector and all has been fine since as far as i know. Now,, either it had two different connector issues days apart or someone's diag equipment lied. i wish I had tried my efi live, snap on and Tech 2 all on the LLY truck looking back to see what was up. If i get it again i will.


<---30+ psi (both)
Jun 18, 2008
That drive took 15 hours and totaled 800+ miles, with stopping to Fuel(x3)/Eat/Unload/Load/Hook/Unhook.

I am beat. I will say I was able to cruise at 80 on the way from your place, wayyy lighter with the 7200# truck OFF the trailer!:thumb:


Mar 27, 2007
Central IL

Were you able to determine if it is just a mis-understanding on which cylinder is which with EFI Live? From what little I've read, EFI Live's numbering doesn't quite match what we would expect. Maybe they can update what the EFI Scan is telling us?


<--- slippery roads
Aug 28, 2006
I havent had time to mess with it since it broke. My truck is just sitting behind my shop right now. Maybe this weekend ill mess around with it/take it apart after I pick up my second vehicle.



That's better
Aug 6, 2006
Just an update. Ross has contacted Ben about this.

Cylinder numbers and injector numbers are not the same (ie. Cyl 1 is not Inj 1); so we may need to review our terminology.


This is old news......Can someone simply post the correct order?

This has cost me a lot of money in the past:mad: :mad::mad:


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
I wondered about this when my injectors were shitting out. Id turn off the injector scanned to be bad, and nothing would happen. Why dont they just correlate to cylinder? What other order would there be?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
Wow!! This is really a shocking thing to find out! How many people have changed out injectors for no reason or looking in the wrong holes for problems because of this?

If the balance rates are brought up and labeled 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, then firing order should be irrelevant. Cylinder 2 should be cylinder 2, not the second cylinder in the firing order. Same with cylinder 5, it should be cylinder 5 according to the engine cylinder numbering, not the 5th cylinder in the firing sequence.

Following firing order seems like a backwards way to do it in my eyes if it is displayed chronologically and not as per the firing order- i.e. 1 2 7 8 4 5 6 3. Although it is important to know what your firing order is as one malfunctioning hole can cause the next one in the firing order to also read out of range.
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