Info: DPC 2012: Update Thread


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
I really feel like you're upset because . . .

I'm really tired of a bunch of Ford drivers telling me I'm mad about a Ford winning the DPC. I couldn't care less who won, but I'm sure getting sick of being told I'm mad about it. Sure, I would have liked to see a Duramax win, but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference either way to be quite honest. If I was there competing, I might be a little more upset, but it would only be because I lost, not because a Ford won.


That Uncle
Apr 2, 2007
I'm really tired of a bunch of Ford drivers telling me I'm mad about a Ford winning the DPC. I couldn't care less who won, but I'm sure getting sick of being told I'm mad about it.

He wasn't directing his comment to you. :confused:


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
He wasn't directing his comment to you. :confused:
No one has directed anything at me, and I wasn't literally saying anyone was directing anything directly at me. I was simply making a statement that I'm getting a little sick of non Duramax owners posting just so they can stir shit up for no good reason. We can discuss whatever we want without being "mad" about a Ford winning. The general tone I'm getting coming from the Ford "camp" (I heard camp being thrown around a lot earlier so I thought I would try it out) is that we as a website are upset about a Duramax not winning. It's getting a little old is all.


<---- mi hijo de la carne
Feb 25, 2010
No one has directed anything at me, and I wasn't literally saying anyone was directing anything directly at me. I was simply making a statement that I'm getting a little sick of non Duramax owners posting just so they can stir shit up for no good reason. We can discuss whatever we want without being "mad" about a Ford winning. The general tone I'm getting coming from the Ford "camp" (I heard camp being thrown around a lot earlier so I thought I would try it out) is that we as a website are upset about a Duramax not winning. It's getting a little old is all.

Are reading comprehension skills a non-existent thing here? Read ANY post from some of the mouth breathers here claiming corruption and scandalous event point systems and you will see exactly why many people feel there is nothing but a bunch of crybabies making bullchit excuses up for an EARNED victory by a ford. It comes off like everybody is mad and discrediting Erik's performance so of course we are gonna rally for him. The excuses and bullchit is a dumb fukking stance to be taken by people regardless of what you like, or who you want to win. They don't hand out first place

BTW, several of us "ford" people here are duramax owners as well. Incase you missed the other 7 posts stating so :D


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Luckily I've known Tim for a few years ago, met Ben out at Merchant's in 07, and John and I met to arrange the first truck pull at the farm he and his dad take care of. I agree they are inspiring individuals. From the time Tim thought about entering until he and the crew left, they thrashed and did not waste a single second (after they got all the parts to arrive and not fail). Edit: It's not to say they don't know how to have fun too, we've had a few good laughs (a motorized picnic table comes to mind). I don't know if Tim has unlimited cell phone minutes, but I hope so this month :spit: He and the crew made us out in Northeast very proud!

The stars were aligned correct for the comp for Eric. He did a awesome job! Major congrats to him. As for John Kennedy and crew, awesome group. Pure stand up! As for Tim, Ben and crew, my hat is OFF! I've never seen a bunch that's harder working and AWESOME to be around even when the heat is on. I cant say enough. They were an inspiration. If every one had any idea of what they all had done and had to endure, you would all no that that crew has great thing in store when it's their time to shine. They've earned it and it IS coming. There is a few things to iron out on Tim's truck, and when it is,,,,watch out!

Congrats to all that competed! What an exhilarating time it was. Lots of friendships being made, and life time memories. If YOU get the chance to attend one at ant time (let alone have the honor to help), DO SO!

One of those memories was Demetri launching out of the way after spraying Tims intake on the line with that N2O bottle and Tim spooling and launching SO HARD with that trailer he and the truck was struggling to stay in a straight line launching down the track. John having white smoke pouring off the front and rear tires in 2nd and 3rd on the 1/4 mile burst. Jermy's pure unbridled power bustin loose on the dyno.

It was something else and that's for sure.

What was the BIG pic here was, every one was equal to each other. Every one was helping each other and there was no brand squables that separated us from what I saw. How cool it was!


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
Are reading comprehension skills a non-existent thing here? Read ANY post from some of the mouth breathers here claiming corruption and scandalous event point systems and you will see exactly why many people feel there is nothing but a bunch of crybabies making bullchit excuses up for an EARNED victory by a ford. It comes off like everybody is mad and discrediting Erik's performance so of course we are gonna rally for him. The excuses and bullchit is a dumb fukking stance to be taken by people regardless of what you like, or who you want to win. They don't hand out first place

BTW, several of us "ford" people here are duramax owners as well. Incase you missed the other 7 posts stating so :D

if you see it, then PLEASE, quote those sections. Obviously we cant read like you can and are not able to bring up such quotes. If i recall you started the banter off with your quote and bs that never even coincided ;)


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
What's wrong with being pissed off a Ford won on a Pro GM web site? We need to be diplomatic to a few Ford enthusiast that only are here to gloat and or beat their chest because they won one!

I too could careless what brand won but it's more about the hard work and effort the competitor put in for the win. Individuals have been complaining about the rules and the procedure of the DPC even when the Duramax camp won. Right in this thread I can see duramax owner against duramax owner!

So if the Ford guys feel they aren't getting the proper props for winning these year on this web site go play in your own playground and get your just do props. In a couple days we won't hear from these guys anyway so who cares who's feelings are hurt,not me.


Plow Truck
Nov 21, 2008
Tiverton Rhode Island
What's wrong with being pissed off a Ford won on a Pro GM web site? We need to be diplomatic to a few Ford enthusiast that only are here to gloat and or beat their chest because they won one!

I too could careless what brand won but it's more about the hard work and effort the competitor put in for the win. Individuals have been complaining about the rules and the procedure of the DPC even when the Duramax camp won. Right in this thread I can see duramax owner against duramax owner!

So if the Ford guys feel they aren't getting the proper props for winning these year on this web site go play in your own playground and get your just do props. In a couple days we won't hear from these guys anyway so who cares who's feelings are hurt,not me.


03 tx pwr stroke

New member
May 11, 2012
Just want to congratulate ya'll on an awesome job at DPC. Was awesome to see such a close competition regardless of the outcome. Competitions like this continue to make each competitor push the envelope further and further, thus taking our sport/hobby further and further. Every year just better and better and the trucks just get more mindblowing. Again, great job guys and I look forward to seeing the results of TS and next year's DPC. :thumb:


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Just want to congratulate ya'll on an awesome job at DPC. Was awesome to see such a close competition regardless of the outcome. Competitions like this continue to make each competitor push the envelope further and further, thus taking our sport/hobby further and further. Every year just better and better and the trucks just get more mindblowing. Again, great job guys and I look forward to seeing the results of TS and next year's DPC. :thumb:

WOW a decent Ford Powerstroke owner!!! Thanks Bud:thumb:

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
Are reading comprehension skills a non-existent thing here? Read ANY post from some of the mouth breathers here claiming corruption and scandalous event point systems and you will see exactly why many people feel there is nothing but a bunch of crybabies making bullchit excuses up for an EARNED victory by a ford. It comes off like everybody is mad and discrediting Erik's performance so of course we are gonna rally for him. The excuses and bullchit is a dumb fukking stance to be taken by people regardless of what you like, or who you want to win. They don't hand out first place

BTW, several of us "ford" people here are duramax owners as well. Incase you missed the other 7 posts stating so :D
If you came here to to talk about the d max thats 1 thing and if you made a name on here a week before the dpc or a week after it probably wouldnt be a big deal but when you make a name like powerstroke162 the week of, your here to start trouble you can view this without making a name on here. Why make a name powerstroke162??? Why note 06 dmax something or other not that its a huge deal but its a gm site,again here to stir up shit.

WOW a decent Ford Powerstroke owner!!! Thanks Bud:thumb:
Agreed that was nice


Ford Driver
Nov 29, 2009
If you came here to to talk about the d max thats 1 thing and if you made a name on here a week before the dpc or a week after it probably wouldnt be a big deal but when you make a name like powerstroke162 the week of, your here to start trouble you can view this without making a name on here. Why make a name powerstroke162??? Why note 06 dmax something or other not that its a huge deal but its a gm site,again here to stir up shit.

Agreed that was nice

I hate to state the obvious here - but Steve has been a member here since February 2010 - I wouldn't exactly call that Johnny come lately to rain on anyone's parade. I've been mostly a lurker here since November 2009 when I signed up. So by your logic, did you sign up just to combat us in this thread? We were after all here first. Kind of nonsensical isn't it?

If you go back and look - Steve didn't post until the DMAX crew was giving Dimitri and company chit - and it was a little bit of smack talk and a little bit of support to Dimitri. (More of an inside joke because they talk outside of forums).

I didn't start posting until all the comments about how the competition was rigged, some events didn't matter, etc... which started to occur once Eric was in the lead. In fact I'm pretty sure I posted that all the competitors worked hard to get to where they are and whoever wins would have earned it. I'm totally respectful of the people and vehicles that show that they have a lot of time and effort into it no matter what the brand because at the end of the day - I KNOW they are all junk as they arrive on the dealer lots fresh off the assembly line in some fashion - its just a question of what list of problems do you want to deal with - that decides what brand of truck you want.

Now - I am sure there are Ford guys out there that don't give the respect earned by other brands - we ain't them. We just ask the same in return.
