Do US a favor, Vote!


Jun 5, 2010
Central MN
Time you get your pens and paper out and start writing your congressmen if there is something you do not like.

X2:thumb: The President is only one piece of the rotten pie. If you didn't vote then be quiet. Your not doing your part to help fix the problem. I totally agree with McRat less national government, give the power back to the states as it should be. The less government the better!


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
So you are against States Rights? Romney was Middle. He taxed the rich, and formed a Health Care plan while Governor. But he did it at a STATE level, not Federal.

Do you really believe you have the God Given right to tell Hawaii how to run their state? Well, that's what your Union party platform is.

Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. The States were SUPPOSED to be separate "countries" bonded together for a common defense and guaranteed freedoms.

I've voted for several parties in my life. However, to go 4-wheeling or dirt riding I must pay Washington DC and follow Federal Law. Which is odd, since WE ALREADY HAVE STATE TAXES FOR OFF_ROAD RIDING AND LAWS CONTROLLING IT.

Guess which one wins? New York has a say in how I dirt ride. What a crock of crap. That's Democracy? Letting people with no dog in the hunt tell me how to ride? We WERE cleaning and policing the Desert before the BLM kicked us in the nuts.

And the EPA wants to get rid of diesels, stop coal, natural gas, and petroleum production, and take more of our recreational land for nearly useless "Green Power" project that only make the politicians buddies rich.

Screw those who are against Freedom. If you want a MOMMY to wipe your ass and tell you how to tie your fooking shoes, move to DC. You'll be much happier. Cuba would be another good choice.

As far as the Unions go? My union fought to have all of us laid off deliberately. For real. And they used our dues to do it. We worked on Defense projects, were a union shop, and they pushed candidates that wanted less defense jobs. They were successful. 10,000 Union jobs were lost immediately at our company when their platform won, including mine.

So what is a Workers Union? It's not to help the Workers. Workers are pissants to the Union Bosses. They are just a way to get money to push their national agendas, NOT to get us jobs. Screw them. They are crooks.

You're right Pat. All unions have crooks in them. Sorry that it happened to you, but if anybody doesn't like them, don't work in them. Last I heard, California is a Right to Work state, so if you didn't like wasting your dues you should have kept it. As far as the other things you said about States Rights, I absolutely believe in Stated Rights. I believe in it so much as a Southerner, the Confederate States should have been able to do what they wanted to do, but they lost that war. States Rights have been lost since then, Pat. I don't give two squirts of duck what people thinks about it now, it's gone and nobody can refute it.

With that said, I don't disagree with much of anything you wrote.


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
To Dord: BTW - Did you know that the EPA put a max effort program in place to ban fossil fuel projects so if Romney won, he could not undo it before he took office?

Hopefully they eliminate YOUR job this time. Kiss their ass for me when it happens please.

Thanks for the well wishes. Did you know that the EPA is really an international, worldwide agency and they do want they want anyway. They would have done it even with Romney in office or anybody else. Really? Come on.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
I think Romney said it well... I'll pray to God that Obama makes good decisions in leading our country in the days to come because there more trouble laying ahead. The worst is absolutely NOT behind us yet!

Pat, you word things so well. I suck at debating bc I'm not real good at articulating my point many times. I just get pissed.

I hope he doesn't screw things up so bad that the next guy (SURELY a good conservative) will be strapped & unable to do much. Lord help us if he continues to grow the debt at even half the rate he is now!

The "enlightened" young voters, minorities & a great majority of social program recipients voted this guy in because they personally gain from him being in. Pretty obvious IMO. They are an ignorant & selfish group.

Just hope you can keep your job because the inflation that will hit will be crippling like nothing most of us have ever seen in our lifetime. It is coming! No way around it! Far too much new money put into circulation for it not too. I just hope BHO doesn't do enough to stave it off until the end of his new term & hand over a grenade to the next car the gets elected!!

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Thanks for the well wishes. Did you know that the EPA is really an international, worldwide agency and they do want they want anyway. They would have done it even with Romney in office or anybody else. Really? Come on.

Which one of Obama's nuts are you attached to? Yo much government is going to kill us. If government sold something to generate revenue instead of being a parasite things wouldn't be like this. Would you be willing to work and give more than half of your check to the government to waste? One if the guys that work for me was talking about signing up for disability. He said they would turn him down the first time and then he would get a lawyer and they would then pay him disability. I asked him why? What's your problem that keeps you from working? He says I tested positive for hepatitis C and that qualifies for disability. This is just another sign of loop holes that reward immoral behavior. I know plenty of people that really need disability help. They have worked their whole life and can't get it or they are too proud to take handouts.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
What has he done for you?
If anything I'm lower middle class, under Obama my taxes have increased twice. Fuel prices have gone up (I'm not blaming that directly on Obama, but... they have gone up during his time in office). I'm curious what he has done for you?

Was Romney the fix all answer to this mess... no. I think Ron Paul for Gary Johnson would have been a better pick in the end. The fact that Romney is the best that we could come up with, is why the left won this election (IMO).

Here are some other fun facts about Obama I picked up from a left winger on another forum I thought was interesting...

His reasons for NOT voting for Obama this time:
"Continued all of Bush's policies (with the exception of water boarding, which Bush ended). We still practice rendition, indefinite detention, military tribunals, Gitmo, etc. So we're starting with the premise that Obama is at least at the same level as Bush.

Now let's add the parts where Obama went even further than Bush. The targeted killing of U.S. citizens, coming up with a kill list, going to war in Libya without Congressional approval, massively expanding the drone campaign and signing the FY2012 NDAA. At least Bush had the excuse of 9/11 to throw away the Constitution. What's Obama's excuse? "

But I am interested in what things Obama has done for you during his first 4 years? seriously....

One thing he did help with is help with Wind technology, That is huge for Ironworkers as we are the craft that erect them. I've made a lot of money working on Wind Turbines. #2, The health care plans directly effected me for the positive because my daughter hit lifetime maximum when she turn 2 years old. It's a long story, but that is really the nuts and bolts of it. On top of that, had I changed me career prior to obamacare she never would have had the opportunity to have insurance, ever simply because she is a transplant patient. The Act has protected us as a family and will help protect her when she becomes independent. To afford the previous options we had with her healthcare, a family would remain indigent even if their income was anything less than about 350,000 a year.

#3 He has given tax incentives and such to companies to them grow. What this means to me is I worked more jobs as an IRONWORKER, Douche bag Bush didn't help the building trades one damn bit. Also, this has effected the mining industry positively, which creates more jobs, one of which is my new job. I make a little bit less now, however that is my choice so my family can be together.

Those are three examples. Hope it answers your question.

Fuel prices? The President doesn't control fuel prices, OPEC does. I was working in Connecticut several years ago when diesel fuel skyrocketed up $5.259. That was NOT because of Obama, there were many issues then and those issues influenced fuel prices. It isn't like the president can just get everybody together and tell store owners to lower their prices. OPEC, remember that.

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
No need to get shity here we are all entitled to our beliefs of right and wrong.

And I am very curious did you fire the guy that was talking about signing up for disability? I sure wouldn't have that fu*k working for me.Sounds like he is looking for a good excuse for someone to pay him for sitting at home and he may use getting hurt on the job for that.


Aug 17, 2010
Southeast Iowa
One thing he did help with is help with Wind technology, That is huge for Ironworkers as we are the craft that erect them. I've made a lot of money working on Wind Turbines. #2, The health care plans directly effected me for the positive because my daughter hit lifetime maximum when she turn 2 years old. It's a long story, but that is really the nuts and bolts of it. On top of that, had I changed me career prior to obamacare she never would have had the opportunity to have insurance, ever simply because she is a transplant patient. The Act has protected us as a family and will help protect her when she becomes independent. To afford the previous options we had with her healthcare, a family would remain indigent even if their income was anything less than about 350,000 a year.

#3 He has given tax incentives and such to companies to them grow. What this means to me is I worked more jobs as an IRONWORKER, Douche bag Bush didn't help the building trades one damn bit. Also, this has effected the mining industry positively, which creates more jobs, one of which is my new job. I make a little bit less now, however that is my choice so my family can be together.

Those are three examples. Hope it answers your question.

Fuel prices? The President doesn't control fuel prices, OPEC does. I was working in Connecticut several years ago when diesel fuel skyrocketed up $5.259. That was NOT because of Obama, there were many issues then and those issues influenced fuel prices. It isn't like the president can just get everybody together and tell store owners to lower their prices. OPEC, remember that.

#1 Those wind towers you are putting together can't even justify themselves. They cost to much and make to little power for them to even be worth it. We have a plant 20 miles from where I live where they employ somewhere between 400-800 employees to make wind blades and I would hate to see that go but the damn things aren't worth what they cost. The taxpayers end up getting stuck paying for something that wont pay them back.

#2 Obama has done nothing for the mining industry (at least the coal industry). I work for BNSF as a engineer and I can tell you first hand that in the last 4 years our coal transport has dropped drastically. Now granted some of that can be blamed on low nat gas prices but not all of it. Obama said that people can build a coal fired power plant, but it will bankrupt them in doing so. Coal is what powers this country and if you try to turn to that useless wind power then we are truly ****ed. It's great they are trying new things but don't go and blow all this money on something till your sure the prototype will at least pay for itself.

And as far as fuel prices go he could allow more drilling in this country. We need more domestically harvested oil.
Also instead of being all about those ****ing electric cars he should take a look at what vw has done with diesel power in cars. We all know they yield better mileage than a electric hybrid would anyday.

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
No need to get shity here we are all entitled to our beliefs of right and wrong.

And I am very curious did you fire the guy that was talking about signing up for disability? I sure wouldn't have that fu*k working for me.Sounds like he is looking for a good excuse for someone to pay him for sitting at home and he may use getting hurt on the job for that.

The job will be coming to an end soon enough. So that will take care of itself without opening me up to some other BS. In construction you get a lot of guys without ambition. I have gotten screwed over a few times and I'm sure it will happen again. His comments really made me want to fire him along with putting a foot in his ass.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

blk smoke lb7

<-----Lots of green $
Nov 8, 2010
The job will be coming to an end soon enough. So that will take care of itself without opening me up to some other BS. In construction you get a lot of guys without ambition. I have gotten screwed over a few times and I'm sure it will happen again. His comments really made me want to fire him along with putting a foot in his ass.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Agreed.I work for a natural gas company and got hurt about 7 years ago about the same time another guy with the same style back injury I was out 2 differEnt times 6 months totAl the otbdr guy has missed 4 years total.I told them they will have to drag me out of the field, the other guy is looking for a buy out.


Active member
May 14, 2008
Monroe, LA
Dord. Go to West Virginia and check on the coal mines. There are quite a few that have shut down recently due to the Obama admin.


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
I guess I did mention mining as a generality. What I see is mining as a whole and not just coal mining, even for as large as it is in the US. How it has effected me positively is where I work. I am a welder for Caterpillar global mining. I make electric rope shovels and hydraulic shovels. However, I see your point in what you saying. With that said I do agree with most of what you are all saying, but the question was posed to me directly and I answered with direct statements. It's my understanding that coal mining is up in Wyoming and Illinois. I could be wrong though. In regards to slugs who take advantage of the system: they should be put in prison for fraud, or something worse. There were just as many users of the system under all of the Republican presidents as well. They will always be there and they will always be a thorn in the ass of hard working men and women. I stated previously, I didn't vote for Obama. I didn't vote for Romney either. I put in for Ron Paul. I voted my conscious just like most people did. I'm not gonna bitch about Obama though because every single person has idiosyncrasies and faults. So be it and you guys can continue bitching, that is until you all figure out that it won't change a damn thing. It's good to vent though.


Regular Cabs Rock
Jul 21, 2009
Wherever I am working
One last thing. Yup wind energy is very costly. I know more than many do about its cost. Boy, I sure have made a lot of money erecting them things though! Made money erecting NG power and coal power plants as well.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Meanwhile on DF

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him,

"Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be a Republican.

"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."

The man smiled and responded, "You must be an Obama-Democrat."

"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"

"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are -- or where you are going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

I know you're cheating, because I'm cheating and you're beating me...