The whole cooling system is under pressure. Both ends should squirt water. It is the pressure differential between the two points that moves the water.
The whole cooling system is under pressure. Both ends should squirt water. It is the pressure differential between the two points that moves the water.
You don't want cold going to the turbo, so you regulate based on temp of the supply side.
so im all confused now, who was right initially, me or malibu???
My question was regardless of the motor Does the coolant flow constant to the heater core?
yes, I think it does
If you said flow is from the upper pipe thermostatically controlled through the turbo then to the bypass line, then you were right..
the only "bypass line" in the system is the line that runs to the heater core. due to it "bypass" the t-stats and goes to the radiatio via the heater core.
everything else HAS to flow through the t-stats. the line from the t-stats tot he water pump is a re-circulation line.
That line that comes off the bottom of the cross over bypasses the radiator. There are 3 loops that bypass the radiator. The steel line off the bottom of the cross over, the heater (EGR) loop, and the Turbo. Only the turbo loop has any kind of thermostatic control. So the heater and steel pipe loops provide a recirculation path. Semantics.
also soemthing funny.
is the t-stats for the turbo cooling line opens at 13X* and engine t-stats open @ 180-190* that wont works
on a running engine. all coolant passages upstream of hte engine t-stats are under pressure. more so then down stream of t-stats including the radiator and the re-circultaion line.
The T-Stats always flow a little, so the upper line will get warm. But the turbo stat assures cold water does not run to the turbo regardless of the T-Stats. The question is, what has more pressure, the tap just in front of the pump inlet, or the line ~10' away if you follow the line back to the upper hose? Right in front of the inlet HAS to be the lowest pressure in the system for water to flow.
so according to TxC, KB, Fingers the turbo coolant flow from down stream of the engine t-stat to up stream of the engine t-stats. aka from upper radiator hose to re-circulation line between w/p and t-stats
acording to the said people i got it back wards even tho the radiator both upper and lower pipe are in negative/less pressure then between the w/p and t-stats.
side note
take a 7" line and have a 1" pipe Tee into it. as long as the 7" line has litte restirction to flow there will be a suction @ the 1" line. adn that would back up Txc, KB, and fingers. the catchers is you slow the flow down by either closing a vlv or on the engines case were the flow from the lower raditator hose(which is under pressure aka static head) slow the flow through the re-circulation line and thus the flow of the turbo line to go from the re-circulation line to the upper radiator hose not the other way around.
the only "bypass line" in the system is the line that runs to the heater core. due to it "bypass" the t-stats and goes to the radiatio via the heater core.
everything else HAS to flow through the t-stats. the line from the t-stats tot he water pump is a re-circulation line.
also soemthing funny.
is the t-stats for the turbo cooling line opens at 13X* and engine t-stats open @ 180-190* that wont works
on a running engine. all coolant passages upstream of hte engine t-stats are under pressure. more so then down stream of t-stats including the radiator and the re-circultaion line.
so according to TxC, KB, Fingers the turbo coolant flow from down stream of the engine t-stat to up stream of the engine t-stats. aka from upper radiator hose to re-circulation line between w/p and t-stats
acording to the said people i got it back wards even tho the radiator both upper and lower pipe are in negative/less pressure then between the w/p and t-stats.
side note
take a 7" line and have a 1" pipe Tee into it. as long as the 7" line has litte restirction to flow there will be a suction @ the 1" line. adn that would back up Txc, KB, and fingers. the catchers is you slow the flow down by either closing a vlv or on the engines case were the flow from the lower raditator hose(which is under pressure aka static head) slow the flow through the re-circulation line and thus the flow of the turbo line to go from the re-circulation line to the upper radiator hose not the other way around.
....There are 4 cooling loops total, and one bypass line.
1) main cooling loop - stat housing through radiator to suction side of pump.
2) turbo loop - upper stat pipe to turbo to bypass line.
3) EGR/Heater core - From below the stats to the EGR through the heater core then to the lower hose
4) Degas tank - From the radiator degas port to the degas tank then back to the lower hose.
By "bypass line" I am referring to the line that runs from the bottom of the riser directly to the water pump suction side. It is regulated by the thermostats and is open below 195*. If you want to call it the recirculation line, thats fine too. Lets not get tangled up in nomenclature but GM calls it a "bypass port"
show me a regualtor on the bypass/re-circulation tube.. it aint there. at least not on my LB7 or the pics i posted which is off my LB7
The EGR/heater core loop is a bypass loop. true
The turbo coolant loop is a thermostatically controlled loop. ok
The Degas loop is controlled by the thermostats as well since it relies on flow through the radiator to function. i am gues you are talking about the lines to and from the resivour tank. which consist of the 1" line going form the res/expantion tank to the lower rad hose and the .5" line comeing off the top right side of the radiator. which alows for expansion of fluid/vapor while it goes threw its heat cycle. and not control via the main t-stats. this is how you get the rest of the air out of the coolant system. after you ahve bleed it through the bleeder vlv in the t-stat housing
Nothing HAS to flow through the thermostats below 180* although there is a trickle of flow through the vent valve in the stat.true nothin flow through the t-state when they are closes except for the little thro the vent hole that are in the t-stats themselves
ALL FLOW is either towards the lower hose as it leads to the water pump or towards the bypass line as it leads to the water pump. Thats it.
What was the original purpose or need for this thread?
There are 4 cooling loops total, and one bypass line.
1) main cooling loop - stat housing through radiator to suction side of pump.
2) turbo loop - upper stat pipe to turbo to bypass line.
3) EGR/Heater core - From below the stats to the EGR through the heater core then to the lower hose
4) Degas tank - From the radiator degas port to the degas tank then back to the lower hose.
By "bypass line" I am referring to the line that runs from the bottom of the riser directly to the water pump suction side. It is regulated by the thermostats and is open below 195*. If you want to call it the recirculation line, thats fine too. Lets not get tangled up in nomenclature but GM calls it a "bypass port"
show me a regualtor on the bypass/re-circulation tube.. it aint there. at least not on my LB7 or the pics i posted which is off my LB7 The forward most thermostat has a valve under it that closes off the bypass port as the thermostat opens.
The EGR/heater core loop is a bypass loop. true
The turbo coolant loop is a thermostatically controlled loop. ok
The Degas loop is controlled by the thermostats as well since it relies on flow through the radiator to function. i am gues you are talking about the lines to and from the resivour tank. which consist of the 1" line going form the res/expantion tank to the lower rad hose and the .5" line comeing off the top right side of the radiator. which alows for expansion of fluid/vapor while it goes threw its heat cycle. and not control via the main t-stats. this is how you get the rest of the air out of the coolant system. after you ahve bleed it through the bleeder vlv in the t-stat housing The degas loop cannot flow if there is no flow through the radiator, therefore the degas loop is controlled by the thermostats which control the flow through the radiator.
Nothing HAS to flow through the thermostats below 180* although there is a trickle of flow through the vent valve in the stat true nothin flow through the t-state when they are closes except for the little thro the vent hole that are in the t-stats themselves
ALL FLOW is either towards the lower hose as it leads to the water pump or towards the bypass line as it leads to the water pump. Thats it.
Simon, if you don't mind my asking, what timing and commanded boost were you using?
looking at the water pump through the suction inlet pipe
looking at the w/p throuhg the re-circulation inlet hole
the other two is the discharger pipe from the water pump to the oil cooler and that connects to the intermediate/back plate
coolant path is form pump
to oil cooler
to back plate
to cylinder walls
to heads
to y-pipe
the cabin heater supply is tapped into upstream of the t-stats
the turbo coolant line is tapped in to the re-circulation line
that make sense simon? :baby:
the only thing that is regulated is the main upper radiator hose going to the radiator. there are hole ~1/8" in the steel of the t-stats nothing else is regulated