Some of these posts remind of something that happened several years ago when we still lived on the dairy.
There was a field across the street that had a barbed wire fence. The Canadian honkers would land over there.
I saw out the kitchen window a car park across the street. Two guys jump out with what looked liked a 22 rifle, climb though the barbed wire fence and sneak up on the geese and shoot one on the ground
By that time I was outside running toward the street yelling at them that I had called the police.
Of course with my big mouth they heard me perfectly, as did Pat, and he came outside to see what I was yelling at. They started running back toward the fence. One tried to jump the fence with goose in his hand and missed
He had a big rip in the crotch of his pants. Teach that butt head:rofl:
Pat and I stood there and laughed our heads off as they drove off.
I'm not against hunting
But, that just seemed chicken shit to me.