A few updates
It did reclog my filters, so I would say to anyone out there carry 2 spare sets for everything. Just for grins I wanted to see what would happen if you tried to save a filter, so on the fleet guard filter on the AD I drained it, filled it up with 911 and heated it up some, dumped it out and it looked like brown $hit. I tried to get it clean, and then put back on, took the line off before it got to my CAT filter and turned the lift pump on. It then dumped black fuel out for 3-4 seconds. Now this was ok for me, since I have a 2 micron cat filter between the lift pump and my engine, but if you end up dumping 911 into a non-new filter and trying to use it, it will puke into your CP3 (so another reason to carry 2 spare sets of filters).
Now, while I had water sep off the airdog, I notice the fuel would just trickle out, not pour out like normal. So it ended up that my sump must have has ice in it (water is heavier than fuel so it will settle down in the sump and block it up). A blast of heat and a good shot from the air compressor into the tank blew it right out.
So, in short, carry 2 extra sets of filters, don't try to save a iced up used filter by taking it off and putting 911 into it, and fuel sumps like to ice up and can be cleaned with heat and air into the tank