I have read alot and seen alot of subjective opinions from guys who have only ran one or two converters, so I am assuming there is no concensus on what the best coupling TC out is. I am interested in a "tight" converter and for a stock turbo truck I do not need a high stall either.
So I guess I need to know what the top fluid coupling converters are
Also I read a few threads on converter blow through, during unlocked high hp WOT instances, and I am assuming this is to be expected with every converter? Or only some depending on coupling? If so, is the best way around it a BT lock up box?
So I guess I need to know what the top fluid coupling converters are
Also I read a few threads on converter blow through, during unlocked high hp WOT instances, and I am assuming this is to be expected with every converter? Or only some depending on coupling? If so, is the best way around it a BT lock up box?