Anyone ever been to Belize? Just booked our vacation there in a couple weeks. Super pumped. Any suggestions?
Been there twice in last two years. It's actually not very third world, to me anyway. Decent Cell service, can rent vehicles, can buy name brand cosmetics in grocery stores or whatever they call them there, everyone pretty much speaks english, but yeah way different than here for sure. What area are you staying in? Awesome down there, now is the best time to go, not to hot or rainy.
Yea know what you mean guess I said that because most people have running water and toilets in there house and cell phones now. I mean it's a lot different than parts of africa. I mean the boat I went Fishing on was owned by a native and had a brand new yamaha 4 stroke 60 hp motor and there where others motors that where new there at the marina also. However there is a large range in lifestyle some have plenty and some are really poor. I talked to some of them and they seem to be a happy satisfied people for the most part even if they didn't have much.