LMM: Batmowheel s475


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
1057. Not the perfect converter for it but was the flavor of choice at the time.

Original 1057 was a 1800 stall converter IIRC? My precision from Mike is a 2700 stall... im sure that has a lot to do with how fast my cast wheel with race cover S475 spools :D


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
how would a batmo 75mm spool compared to a regular billet 75mm?
I'm told they spool like one size below. A billet or batmo 75 spools like a cast 72. A billet or batmo 72 spools like a cast 66. I've never driven a truck with a cast wheel so I have nothing to compare it to but my billet charger spools very good even with my tight converter. On edit, I realize this thread is about the Batmo, my personal experience is with the straight billet. I've heard they spool the same.


New member
May 20, 2010
Boonville, MO/Pendleton, CA
I'm told they spool like one size below. A billet or batmo 75 spools like a cast 72. A billet or batmo 72 spools like a cast 66. I've never driven a truck with a cast wheel so I have nothing to compare it to but my billet charger spools very good even with my tight converter. On edit, I realize this thread is about the Batmo, my personal experience is with the straight billet. I've heard they spool the same.

I was also told the same thing about a billet wheel spooling like a cast wheel the next size down, but I was wondering if anyone had ran a billet wheel and ran the same thing but in the batmo and how they compared to each other..

super diesel

<<<< Under Pressure
Curious. I would think (no experienced in this field by any means) that the difference in spool up between the two would be the wheel weight and how much air it was able to pull in with the given pitch (trim) of the blades? Lighter wheels=quicker spool. Less pitch (trim) with same given size=quicker spool. It's like a boat prop. Larger and higher pitch=more power to spin it and less RPM created (unless HP is upped too). Maybe it's more like a aluminum prop compared to the SS prop with the same pitch? Still slower windup because of weight. What would really contribute to it spooling faster if it's the same weight as a cast wheel and moves the same amount of air at the same pressure ratio. :confused:


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
When I think of spoolup speed I also thought the lighter wheel would spool quicker. My charger was originally a Batmo, I had a friend that wanted a batmo so he bought a new billet wheel and I traded him before it was ever in my truck. My theory was the batmo wheel would weigh more in order to have the curves in it. I figured the straight billet wheel would be lighter and spool quicker, If it didn't no big deal I new the charger I had would still work great. I'm now hearing the the Batmo's do spool a tad quicker. I dont know if this is hype for the new coolest thing out or if its really true. I've not seen a comparison between an s400 with a Batmo and one with the straight billet wheel.