New product developments, phone calls, running the business is all something that has to be done by myself. Its impossible for me to have someone else answer the phones and handle tech questions, when I am the one who designed the part in the first place, and really the only one who can diagnose issues.
Im not sure how many of you guys in your mid 20's work regular 9-5's versus owning/running businesses, but there are difficulties here that are hard to grasp...particularly with this type of R&D business. Very different than someone who has a landscaping business, general tradeswork (plumbing, electrical, etc), etc etc etc.
My new DSP-5 switches that are coming out in the next week or so, I have literally hundreds and hundreds of hours of R&D into those. Had to teach myself Solidworks, had to learn about ABS injection molding characteristics/details, etc. I probably have over $10k invested in these things between time and molds and I havent sold a single one yet. If anyone knows about injection molding and designing a new product from scratch, it is a very long and expensive process!
Im not making excuses, but it does get difficult sometimes doing it all.
Lots of you guys are friends with me on Facebook and whatnot. Am I constantly posting up screwing-off pictures and otherwise showing that im putting no effort in here and otherwise am a lazy SOB? I havent been on the forums even a fraction as much as I used to be.
Standalone harnesses have taken up a large part of my time too here. I have almost 10 going at once right now...enough to make me go nutty sometimes!