Seems to me you contradict yourself. From BD themselves:
That is as a max. Not a nominal.
Seems to me you contradict yourself. From BD themselves:
That is as a max. Not a nominal.
Ya Matt did Trents bd we talked bout that on the phone an the polished cover adds at least 100,000 HP :thumb:
Ya Matt@ gillette did Trents bd we(Trent and I ) talked bout that on the phone the other day. an the polished cover adds at least 100,000 HP :thumb:
They don't have problems with bd? Or there own kits? I called bd an started getting the run around I know the Turbo is there but they said Its not showing yet so who knows. I might be buying a new Turbo or does anyone have a good used stocker lol I have pulls an all sorts of shit I need my Truck back for
Well Just got off the phone with bd!!! :thumb: there warrantying the Turbo apparently this is a FIRST in failure for them something with the wastegate bent Internally or on a bracket? An took out the thrust bearing on the turbine side an stuck the wastegate open but if I pay some extra money ill have it Friday :happy2: so ill probably make the pulls provided I pay the extra cash an everything goes smooth
they said it was fubar so no rebuilding it, new one is going out tomorrow morning should have it friday morning
Cool deal man:thumb: Atleast BD is standing behind there product, now lets see how long this one last's
I give it 7000 miles :rofl: